Dylan Shelley takes charge of Uganda American Football national team

The American Football Federation of Uganda (AFFU) has officially announced US national Dylan Shelley as the national team head coach. The development was officially announced on Wednesday, 24th July 2024 at Excelsis Garden Hotel in Kisaasi, Kampala during a media inter-face. Steven George Okeng, the president of the American Football Federation of Uganda confirmed Shelley’s […] The post Dylan Shelley takes charge of Uganda American Football national team appeared first on Kawowo Sports.

Dylan Shelley takes charge of Uganda American Football national team
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The American Football Federation of Uganda (AFFU) has officially announced US national Dylan Shelley as the national team head coach.

The development was officially announced on Wednesday, 24th July 2024 at Excelsis Garden Hotel in Kisaasi, Kampala during a media inter-face.

Steven George Okeng, the president of the American Football Federation of Uganda confirmed Shelley’s appointment that takes immediate effect.

Dylan Shelley holds an Helmet during his unveiling ceremony as head coach for Uganda American Football national team | Credit: David Isabirye

“American Football Federation of Uganda is excited to announce the arrival of Dylan Shelley as the Uganda Generals head coach. His expertise and experience in the game will drive us an extra mile as we assemble a formidable team of players towards the Olympic Games in 2028 that will be hosted in Los Angeles, United States of America (USA).” Okeng stated.

Shelley, 52, takes upon a three-year deal with Uganda’s American Football and his immediate task at hand will witness developing the skills of the players in tackle and flag football.

He will also work hand-in-hand with the local coaches and equip them with more knowledge about American Football.

“I am excited to handle the Uganda national team of American Football. It is step by step process. We want to bring in more players, elevate them and select those suitable for the national team. Then the second step will be developing the players and then the preparation stage” Shelley hinted in his brief interview with the media.

Shelley has played American Football throughout his life span. Upon retirement, he handled St Vincent High School and the Chico State teams.

For the Uganda National team (The Generals), he will serve alongside two locally based assistant Joshua Wenowe and Jimmy James Lihuma.

His immediate responsibility will come soon this Friday, 26th July 2024 in a combine test duel at the Legends Rugby grounds.

He is expected to hold special training drills with different teams and players as well as school students.

This September 2024, Uganda will once against play Kenya in the Africa Zone series duel.

The post Dylan Shelley takes charge of Uganda American Football national team appeared first on Kawowo Sports.