The National Agroecology actors’ symposium is set to pr...
The annual branding events of: The 3rd National Agroecology Actors' symposium (N...
IGD 2021: Reach A Hand, partners call for concerted eff...
To effectively respond to issues Sexual and Reproductive Health especially in th...
Private health practioners calls for a stronger Public ...
Private Sector health organizations and Government introduced a partnership mix ...
Prime Minister Nabanja launches “Right2Grow” project to...
Though Uganda experienced reduction in the prevalence of stunting from 45% in 20...
Minister Kabuye cautions taxi operators on SOPs complia...
The challenge of congestion in the new taxi park will be solved after finalizing...
Mukwano Industries donates oxygen cylinders to city hos...
A Covid patient takes anywhere between 20 to 70 litres of oxygen per day, depend...
Minister Kabanda applauds Ham as COVID-19 vaccination ...
The COVID-19 vaccination exercise to workers and tenants is one of the moves to...
Prime Minister Nabanja receives, banks UGX 530 Million ...
.......I have today received a contribution of UGX 530 Million from Ham Kiggundu...
COVID-19 2nd Lockdown: Fresh Diary equips home delivery...
During the second COVID-19 Lockdown, Fresh Diary's #staysafe, #stay health home ...
Quality Chemicals Donates 2000 Mosquito Nets to the Min...
In response to the presidential directive for a 42 day lock-down and the announc...
National Medical stores to digitalise health supply cha...
The NMS plus initiative will help hospitals in placing of orders, tracking order...
Nile Council of Ministers call on Nile Basin countries ...
The challenge also requires Nile riparian countries to increase coordination in ...
Teenage Mothers Outreach launches campaign empower teen...
We raise awareness of the dangers of teenage pregnancy and early marriages; and ...
Dairy development Authority partners with IDI to streng...
The main objective of the Anti Microbial Resistance Surveillance Project is to s...
NDA, DIT unveils assessment and training package for th...
The assessment and training package for herbalists will help address the challe...
National Drug Authority awards top healthcare professio...
Spontaneous and voluntary reporting of suspected Adverse Drug Reactions generate...
ATC joins The Running Out of Trees campaign with UGX 45...
This year, the campaign kicked off with an aerobics exercise for all participant...
Good Care Uganda Foundation to develop a UGX 1.8 Trilli...
The modern and we'll planned private health campus consisting of a flagship site...
Good Care Uganda Foundation extends new Cube Atomiser ...
The airborne decontaminator eliminates cross contamination and ensures optimal ...