Shakira Shakiraa slams Prima Kadarshi as ‘failed Kardashian wannabe’ following criticism of song

Shakira Shakiraa and Prima Kardashi engaged in a heated war of words on social media after Prima criticized Shakira's latest song, with Shakira accusing Prima of being a failed Kardashian wannabe and Prima responding by mocking the song as the definition of noise and nonsense. The post Shakira Shakiraa slams Prima Kadarshi as ‘failed Kardashian wannabe’ following criticism of song appeared first on MBU.

Shakira Shakiraa slams Prima Kadarshi as ‘failed Kardashian wannabe’ following criticism of song

Shakira Shakiraa has launched a verbal attack on socialite Prima Kadarshi, labelling her as a “failed Kardashian wannabe.”

This clash erupted after Prima voiced a harsh critique of Shakira’s latest song “Doozi,” featuring Gravity Omutujju.

Prima Kardashi didn’t mince her words when she took to social media to share her thoughts on the collaboration. She described the duo’s effort as “the definition of when two empty tins meet,” implying that the song is just noise and nonsense.

Unsurprisingly, Shakira didn’t take kindly to Prima’s comments. She responded on social media, accusing Prima of being an unfulfilled Kardashian impersonator who will never meet the American reality TV stars she admires.

Shakira further claimed that the only planes Prima boards are those bound for Dubai, where she allegedly engages in sexual activities.

In the video, Shakira had the backing of a supporter who added fuel to the fire by suggesting that Prima had “bleached her brains.” Shakira also mocked Prima’s local name, Nassozi, insinuating that Prima should show more respect given her humble beginnings.

The post Shakira Shakiraa slams Prima Kadarshi as ‘failed Kardashian wannabe’ following criticism of song appeared first on MBU.