City socialite Kim Swagga hints at legalizing relationship with private lover

City socialite Kim “Swagga” Kibirige, has hinted at legalising his relationship with his current lover whom he chose to keep private next year. Kim Swagga opened up about his plans of taking a serious step in his romantic affairs with his secret lover during an interview where he thanked Bad Black for taking good care […] The post City socialite Kim Swagga hints at legalizing relationship with private lover appeared first on MBU.

City socialite Kim Swagga hints at legalizing relationship with private lover

City socialite Kim “Swagga” Kibirige, has hinted at legalising his relationship with his current lover whom he chose to keep private next year.

Kim Swagga opened up about his plans of taking a serious step in his romantic affairs with his secret lover during an interview where he thanked Bad Black for taking good care of their child, Davina, in his absence.

He applauded Bad Black for holding the values and character of a responsible mother at a time when he was absent from their child’s upbringing for about close to eight years.

When he was asked whether it is possible to rekindle their love affair with Bad Black as Pastor Mondo Mugisha had suggested in a recent interview, Kim Swagga poured cold water on the possibility, saying it can never happen.

He maintained that he will co-parent with Bad Black to ensure their child grows to become a responsible citizen.

He added that both of them are now in different love affairs that they are committed to and don’t want to break the fresh bonds they have built.

In the interview, he pleaded to Bad Black to stop harassing and trolling him on social media to have a healthy relationship and understanding of each other.

The post City socialite Kim Swagga hints at legalizing relationship with private lover appeared first on MBU.