Central Motor Sport Boss Rajiv lists 5 channels to generate revenue for FMU

FMU has registered achievements over the time.

Central Motor Sport Boss Rajiv lists 5 channels to generate revenue for FMU
Rajiv Chairman, Board of Trustees Central Motor Sport.

The Federation of Motor Sports of Uganda (FMU) has been advised on how to generate revenue to become financially stable and sustainable.

This was revealed by the Chairman Board of Trustees Central Motor Club, Rajiv Ruparelia who listed 5 channels how FMU will achieve it.

Below is the full speech:

I think there are Five Channels to generate revenue from FMU.

  • Selling TV Rights based on the fanbase to the sport and later to sale advertisement space when Rally is being shown on Air.
  • We have Twelve Calender events a year.for example Today each time the Rally fraternity has an event in one of places in Uganda through different districts or region we intend to take about 1.5billion worth of economic spending when we Go up there and that was Tabled by FMU officials which means if we go to Masaka we Book all the Hotels and feed ourselves at large.
  • FMU can engage a multinational or large Scale business that can take on sponsorship of the whole Calendar event by being the main sponsor for the Federation of motor sport of Uganda,which means they can be given brand recognition to communities.
  • Being creative by looking for spaces within the circutes of viewing stations and those viewing stations will be given on a road map to people in advance and public can be able to access these stations by paying a small fee and can be sold to cooperates as well.
  • FMU has to create its basis Foundation to prevent beging for money to be able to create Value internally including organising our selves.