Sunday June 9: Daily Kos will be down for site maintenance

As you might remember, we attempted some back-end site maintenance work on April 19 that didn’t quite go as planned.  So we’re going to try again—hopefully, with much better results!—on Sunday, June 9, at 10 PM ET / 7PM PT. The site may be down for as long as four hours as a result. For the technical folks, this change is intended to address some decaying site infrastructure that we are replacing with a move to Kubernetes. For the non-technical folks, we are replacing some of the scaffolding that supports the site. But don’t worry! This won’t change your user experience. If everything goes as planned, everything you see – fonts, navigation, the front page, comments, and everything else – will look and function the same.  Please help us out. If you notice any strange behavior with the site, please drop a comment in this post for us or reach out to the help desk (link in top navigation).  Thank you for your patience.

Sunday June 9: Daily Kos will be down for site maintenance

As you might remember, we attempted some back-end site maintenance work on April 19 that didn’t quite go as planned

So we’re going to try again—hopefully, with much better results!—on Sunday, June 9, at 10 PM ET / 7PM PT. The site may be down for as long as four hours as a result.

For the technical folks, this change is intended to address some decaying site infrastructure that we are replacing with a move to Kubernetes. For the non-technical folks, we are replacing some of the scaffolding that supports the site. But don’t worry! This won’t change your user experience. If everything goes as planned, everything you see – fonts, navigation, the front page, comments, and everything else – will look and function the same. 

Please help us out. If you notice any strange behavior with the site, please drop a comment in this post for us or reach out to the help desk (link in top navigation). 

Thank you for your patience.