How much does a player spend to play the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series?

Stuart Mwayi spent UGX 500,000 in preparation for the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series, while his earnings from the series were only UGX 160,000, highlighting the financial challenges faced by rugby players in Uganda. The post How much does a player spend to play the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series? appeared first on Kawowo Sports.

How much does a player spend to play the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series?
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For each round, teams competing in the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series must submit squad lists of twelve players (with a thirteenth as reserve). These players must be on the sixty-man squad for the season and are usually picked from amongst those who have trained in the days/weeks leading up to the round.

Typically, for each round, each team holds two on-pitch training sessions from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. during the week leading up to it. Players are expected to supplement these team sessions with personal roadwork or the gym of at least two hours per session.

A player spends not less than eight hours per week to prepare him/herself. The series is played on Saturday and Sunday, with the Friday before reserved for travelling to the venue in case of upcountry rounds. Thus, in total, a player invests over twenty-eight hours per week to participate in just one round of the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series.

Out of curiosity, one asks oneself: how much money does a player spend to play in the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series?

Kawowo Sports worked with Stuart Mwayi last week to get a glimpse into how he prepares, with a focus on the finances, for the Mbarara 7s. Mwayi is a KCB KOBs playmaker and was the Uganda Rugby Cranes U20 national team vice-captain in the 2023 Rugby Africa U20 Barthes Trophy.

Stuart Mwayi during the 2024 Entebbe 7s Credit: Philip Kairu for Rugby Agency/Uganda Rugby Union/Nile Special

Mwayi, turning twenty-one next month, has been the most consistent player for KCB KOBs Rugby Club in this series. He has featured in all six rounds, filling the big shoes of KOBs’ playmakers Joseph Aredo and James Ijongat in their absence, and playing alongside Karim Arinaitwe, Calvin Gizamba, and captain Ibrahim Khemis. He has scored twenty-one tries thus far.

This is a breakdown of how much Stuart Mwayi spent on rugby from Monday morning to Sunday evening during the week of the Mbarara 7s.

1 TransportFor on-pitch training sessions (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)315,00045,000
Gym (Monday & Wednesday)220,00040,000
Returning home after the tournament120,00020,000
2 Medical billInjury treatment1150,000150,000
3 Playing kitBody tights115,00015,000
4 Self-careSalon (hair job)130,00030,000

In total, Mwayi spent UGX 500,000 during that week. The figure is blown out of expected “average” range by one-time expenditure on the medical bill (to treat injuries sustained during the previous Kyabazinga 7s round) and playing kit (a new pair of boots).

The expenditure does not include meals because Mwayi lives with his parents, so he happily eats at home. Additionally, expenses like the internet have not been included because he uses data bundles purchased for his daily communication.

Mwayi’s earnings from rugby in the same period pale in comparison to his expenditure. He received the weekly players’ allowance from his club and the winning bonus from the series title sponsor for winning the men’s Mbarara 7s.

1 Players’ allowance (for training, travelling & matchday)KCB KOBs1100,000100,000
2 Winning bonus (for winning Mbarara 7s)Sponsor’s Prize money160,00060,000

The players’ allowance covers transport, training and matchday bonuses. The winning bonus was UGX 1,000,000 (one million Uganda shillings) shared onsite at Kakyeka among the thirteen players, plus their coach, physiotherapist, and team manager.

KOBs win the 2024 Mbarara 7s men’s Cup. Credit: John Philip Mugabi

It does not require rocket science for one to see that, on average, players spend more than they earn from playing rugby in Uganda, even at the top of the pyramid. While the sport of rugby is growing as a business and financial ecosystem, it is still at the amateur level and this is one of the painful realities.

The post How much does a player spend to play the 2024 Nile Special 7s Series? appeared first on Kawowo Sports.