Hassan Mubiru axed from Express coaching staff

Express FC legend Hassan Mubiru has been axed from the club’s coaching staff where he has served for more than a decade. Mubiru has been part of the Red Eagles technical staff under several coaches including Richard Wasswa Bbosa, Kefa Kisala, Shafik Bisaso, James Odoch, Alex Isabirye and even under Baker Mbowa towards the end […] The post Hassan Mubiru axed from Express coaching staff appeared first on Kawowo Sports.

Hassan Mubiru axed from Express coaching staff
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Express FC legend Hassan Mubiru has been axed from the club’s coaching staff where he has served for more than a decade.

Mubiru has been part of the Red Eagles technical staff under several coaches including Richard Wasswa Bbosa, Kefa Kisala, Shafik Bisaso, James Odoch, Alex Isabirye and even under Baker Mbowa towards the end of last season.

However, in the twist of events, Mubiru has been forced out of his beloved club, a move confirmed by club CEO Ashraf Miiro.

“It is true, he has left,” confirmed Miiro when asked if it the media reports about Mubiru’s exit was true.

According to sources, Mubiru’s exit is a forced one after he fell out with the coaches above him and the club CEO over what he calls some uncouth actions.

Efforts to reach Mubiru for a comment were futile as he couldn’t pick his known phone calls.

The post Hassan Mubiru axed from Express coaching staff appeared first on Kawowo Sports.