Arua Chaos: Eddy Kenzo snubs performance, property destroyed

On Saturday night, chaos broke out at Hotel Santa Maria in Arua where Eddy Kenzo was due to perform at the 'Eddy Kenzo Carnival' The post Arua Chaos: Eddy Kenzo snubs performance, property destroyed appeared first on MBU.

Arua Chaos: Eddy Kenzo snubs performance, property destroyed

Property worth millions was on Saturday night destroyed at Hotel Santa Maria in Arua where Eddy Kenzo was scheduled to perform.

The “Eddy Kenzo Carnival: Twende Tupaate” event had been built to perfection with everything set for a memorable musical showcase.

The singer, alongside other performers, was ready to perform for eagerly awaiting fans who had even paid their money to access the venue early enough.

The venue before the chaos

According to reports, however, the Big Talent singer refused to step onto the stage until his performance fees were fully paid.

Other performers also made similar demands to the show promoter.

The delay in performances irritated the crowds which grew wild and started rioting whilst demanding for the performers to step on stage.

Security had to swing into action to disperse the angry crowds which destroyed property at the venue.

A representative from Kenzo’s team claims that a renowned promoter from Kitgum identified as Steven failed to pay the local artists from Arua which led to the chaos before police swung into action.

“It is not Kenzo’s fault. The promoters had issues with local artists not being paid and chaos came up which led to fights and security stopped the show after things had been destroyed,” a source revealed.

The post Arua Chaos: Eddy Kenzo snubs performance, property destroyed appeared first on MBU.