Apollo BW inspired by desire to see growth in local industry

Ugandan musician Apollo BW has specialized in Afrobeat music and established a recording studio to help artists improve the quality of their music, while also advising new artists to invest in themselves and build connections to ensure their success. The post Apollo BW inspired by desire to see growth in local industry appeared first on MBU.

Apollo BW inspired by desire to see growth in local industry

USA-based Ugandan musician Apollo BW has specialized in Afrobeat music but that was not his first love. His journey has had quite a turnaround from tech into music which he says was inspired by the desire to see the quality of Ugandan music improve.

I now view music as my number one priority because I have to enjoy it, and that enjoyment comes from my “why.” Since I enjoy music, why not pursue it? That’s how I approach things.Apollo BW

Apollo BW has lived in the United States for the past 15 years. He began his career in tech but, over time, developed a desire to see the quality of music produced back home improve and reach a global audience. He has since established a recording studio to help artists achieve their envisioned goals.

“My interest and passion for music began way back when I was in primary school. I couldn’t pursue a career in music at the time due to the negative perceptions our parents had about musicians back then. Even society viewed musicians as troubled youths with nothing else to pursue in life, which discouraged many young people from going into music,” Apollo BW states.

He then picked interest in deejaying but still didn’t get the backing from his parents. He had to move to the U.S. and upon returning to the +256, he realized that the music being done back home wasn’t at the global standards.

“I moved to the US in 2009, but when I returned, I realized that the music artists were making was only aimed at the local audience; our music wasn’t even able to compete with artists from the central region.”

He linked up with a couple of artists, deejays, and producers trying to find a solution for local music and decided to open his studio, equipped with quality recording equipment but several artists failed at executing their visions.

I opened a studio with quality equipment to enable artists to record better music, while also showing them the importance of branding and marketing their work.

What became frustrating was that many of them would share their vision, and I would be open to supporting it, but when it came to execution, the artists would make excuses and fail to complete the work.

Apollo BW is greatly inspired by the desire to see the local industry grow to a point where local artists fill up arenas in Europe.

His latest single “Ise Ninawe” is inspired by his own life experiences and other people’s stories. “It’s these elements—love, joy, and friendship—that inspire my music. I perform for all audiences, young and old, so I aim to keep my music accessible and appealing to everyone. The story behind that song is essentially about love and friendship.”

He believes social media is a must-have tool for every artist today as it helps them engage with their audience.

Social media is a valuable tool, and I believe every artist should use it to market their music, brand themselves, and stay connected with their audience. However, many artists here view it as too much work, although I frequently advise them to stay connected and use it to build their brands.

The singer is currently working on new music projects that will be revealed soon. “Trust me, these new projects are going to be fantastic, and I’m sure everyone will love them. I can’t wait to share them with everyone very soon,” Apollo BW told us.

Diversity is another strength he has equipped himself with and despite having a stronger connection with Afrobeats, Apollo BW is willing to test the other genres.

“I started with Afrobeat because while Ugandan music is great, it’s mainly appreciated by Ugandans, so I wanted something that would appeal to a broader audience, including those outside Uganda.

“I’m not restricting myself; I’m diversifying and exploring all genres to go global. I’ve done the research, assembled a talented team, and we’re committed to achieving everything we set out to do.”

He advises new artists to remain dedicated to their craft and try out different genres. He also tips them to invest in themselves and surround themselves with people who add value to them.

Leave no stone unturned and do everything possible to achieve the dream you’ve set your heart and mind on. Invest in yourself and your goal, and take actions that help you reach everything you aspire to achieve.

Additionally, build connections—no one can do it all alone. Surround yourself with people who will support, assist, and guide you to ensure your success. Finally, and most importantly, be there for others. Make an effort to support and stand by people in every way possible because we all need each other.

The post Apollo BW inspired by desire to see growth in local industry appeared first on MBU.