Ways To Clean Tinted Glass Windows Of Your House

Learn effective methods to clean tinted glass windows in your home, ensuring clarity and maintaining the tint's quality without causing damage.

Ways To Clean Tinted Glass Windows Of Your House

Tinted windows of our house protect the flooring and the furniture from UV Rays and help to keep your home away from warmth in the summers.

It is not easy to clean the tinted window especially when you are a busy professional. You can also damage your tinted glass windows. No doubt there are various solutions suggested by the Bond Cleaning Services Perth team that will not harm your tinted windows. Be careful and remove the film before cleaning it. In this blog post, you will learn about how to clean your tinted windows clean without damaging them.

When do tinted house windows need cleaning?

Tinted house windows need cleaning frequently, and also you need to clean them for the bond cleaning agreement.

You need to understand that there is a negligible difference between cleaning regular and tinted windows. However, cleaning tinted windows is easier than cleaning normal windows. You need to clean tinted windows only if you have thrown a grand house party. Light stains are less visible on tinted windows.

Generally, you must clean your tinted windows once in 3-4 months. Yes, it is a better option to make your windows tint. It takes around one month for the glue to stick completely to the glass. You need to be patient by the time. If you try to clean it before a month it may create a bubble between the glass and the film layer. It will reduce the lifespan of the windows and it will be automatically peeled off by itself. Of course, it will look ugly too.

What are the don'ts of cleaning a tinted window?

Everything has its own do's and don'ts. Here are the don'ts of tinted windows as recommended by Bond Cleaning in Brisbane.

  • Ammonia – Ammonia can cause scratches to the surface or even can cause whitening. It is a damaging product to protective films. We are not denying the fact it is used for cleaning windows in shops but it is different for tinted windows. Yes, but if the tinted windows contain the instruction of ammonia-resistant then you must clean them with ammonia without worries.

  • Baking soda – With baking soda too your tinted sheet may peel off automatically and will lose its life. It will cause scratch marks. You can also lose the transparency of the glass as it will cause a matte effect on the windows.

Tips to clean the tinted windows

To clean your tinted windows, you need vinegar, dish soap, isopropyl alcohol, a microfibre cloth, a spray bottle, and a soft sponge. Here are the tips to clean your tinted windows efficiently:

Dish Soap: Dish soap is the first choice for cleaning. Also, if it is good for your hands then it is good for your windows too. Add 1 teaspoon of dishwash to 2 glasses of warm water. Apply with a sponge, remove the stains, and let it get dry after rinsing.

Isopropyl Alcohol: Isopropyl Alcohol is 70% a good disinfectant. Spray it on the stain, wipe it with a sponge, and dry it with a microfibre cloth. It is a good option to clean the surface without causing any damage.

Vinegar: Vinegar has a strong acidic concentration and it will be harmful for you to use it directly. It will be great if you dilute it. So, all you have to do is make a mixture of a few drops of lemon juice, vinegar, and distilled water. Put it in a spray bottle, shake it, and apply it to the stains. Let it soak the stains and then remove it with the sponge, dry it with the microfibre cloth after rinsing.


Tinted Windows increase the standard of your house but it is crucial to maintain it equally. It takes 4 weeks to let it completely stick and you can not clean it before it gets completely stuck. To clean the window tints of your house, you must use isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, and dish soap whereas you must strictly avoid baking soda and ammonia. If you can't handle the cleaning of the tinted window glass, you must hire a professional as the landowners will strictly inspect them and it will decide the giving back of your security amount.