how I started a blog in Uganda and earned over 3million UGX in my first three months

Learn how you can start a blog in uganda in 2021 and beyond, Want to start a blog in Uganda? Here is a step by step guide from picking a domain name to setting up your blog, creating content, and monetizing it in Uganda.

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how I started a blog in Uganda and earned over 3million UGX in my first three months

Blogging has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news. Today there are over 500 million blogs on the web.

One person can have more than 5 blogs. You can also join the millions of bloggers around the world.

Ever wondered how to start a blog in Uganda and make enough money to quit your job and consider blogging as your full-time job. You can do it. Tons of people already have.

That’s why I’m going to show you how to make $1000 a month blogging in Uganda which is equivalent to three million Uganda shillings.

Making $50,000 per month blogging in Uganda is REALLY hard. Making $1000 per month is a lot easier.

Now let’s get started with the whole process.


  • What is a blog
  • Find a niche
  • Choose a web host
  • choose a name for your blog
  • Design your blog
  • Brainstorm topics
  • Write your first blog post
  • Optimize your blog for SEO
  • Monetize your blog
  • Conclusion

How To Start A Blog In Uganda: What Is A Blog

A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top.

A blogger is one who publishes blog posts or articles for others to read, usually talking about one specific topic.

If you want to create a blog, you don’t need a revolutionary idea where it’s only you who has got that type of blog in the world. But, your blog should be focused on something specific.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 1: Find A Niche

There are lots of ways you can come up with great content ideas; you should find a niche for your blog either a tech blog, lifestyle blog, etc.

Finding the right niche is the most important part of building a blog that often gets overlooked by most beginners.

If you pick a niche with too much competition, your blog will get beaten down by high authority websites, If you pick a smaller niche with no demand, your blog will barely make an impact.

You need to find a niche that’s in the middle and a niche that can also be monetized easily. When it comes to choosing your blog’s niche, there are two key questions to ask yourself.

Am I passionate about this topic: Find your passion. Write about what you know.

Do I enjoy learning about this topic: It’s important that you pick a topic for your blog that you also like to learn and talk about.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 2: Choose A Name For Your Blog

You are a new blogger starting a blog. This is your brand. It’s how people will remember you.

The best way to land on the perfect name is to start with brainstorming. Use a blog name generator, take inspiration from books, and play with words to come up with a perfect blog name, use your name or use its abbreviation.

The magic of a brand gets built over time. Even if you feel stuck, keep moving forward.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 3: Choose A Web Host For Your Blog

Web Hosting is one of the most important decisions you make as you begin the process of building your website.

For your blog to go online you need Web Hosting and a domain name?

Web Hosting is one of the most important decisions you make as you begin the process of building your website.

But with the hundreds of different web-hosting providers, how do you choose? How do you know you’re picking the right one?

Here are a few factors to take into consideration.

  • Price: It’s important to remember: you get what you pay for. More often than not, the cheapest option isn’t always the best.
  • Take a look at the fundamental needs of your site and compare hosting options that satisfy those needs first.
  • Technical Specifications: Find a host with enough RAM, processing power, and disk storage space for your website’s needs.
  • Support: Make sure your host provides great customer service.
  • User Interface (Control Panel): Make sure your hosting provider has an interface that is easy to understand and use.
  • Features: Do they offer extra features if you decided to host with them such as regular backups, a free domain name, etc.
  • Are their tools up to date and easy to use?

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 4: Design Your Blog

Design often gets overlooked by Bloggers but it's among the most important things to consider for your new Blog.

Bloggers always focus on good content and neglect the design of the blog which is not true.

In fact, your blog’s design, look and feel plays an important role in how people will read and interact with your articles.

No matter how good your content is, but if your blog is ugly people won't read it.

Here is how you can Design your Blog today;

  • Choose a blogging platform of your choice: There are several blogging platforms out there, from Blogger and WordPress to Tumblr, Squarespace, and Ghost. Alternatively, if you have got some Web Development skills as I do, you can code it from scratch.
  • Keep your Blog design simple.
  • Use contrasting colours.
  • Contrasting colours can work well in the right design.
  • Embrace white spaces.
  • Don’t squeeze your content.
  • Make it responsive: Your blog has to look good on all types of devices either desktop or monitor and mobile phones.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 5: Optimize Your Blog For Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to be found in search engines for particular keywords and phrases.

Here are some tips you can use to optimize your Blog for effective SEO.

  • Do your keyword research.
  • Write an effective blog post titles.
  • Make your blog easy to read.
  • Use social media to increase the reach of your blog posts.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 6: Brainstorm Blog Topics.

Finding Blog Post Ideas is much easier than you think. There are ideas everywhere. All you have to do is to look for and capture them.

By following this process, you should be able to come up with about 20 working topics within a half-hour of non-distraction time.

So get a piece of paper or a Word document ready and get ready to brainstorm blog post topics.

use google suggestions: You know how Google suggests phrases as you type your search word? That’s right – we’re going to use it to brainstorm.

Know what your readers like about your niche.

Write down your ideas.

Take notice of blog posts comments.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 7: Write Your First Blog Post

It all starts with the first blog post. Your first posts will not always be the best but Get started with your best word document and start writing down. The more you write the more you will progress as time goes by.

Don't focus on Perfection always focus on improvements in the long run.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda Step 8: Monetize Your Blog

Starting and monetizing a blog has never been easier than it is today.

Identify the stage you’re in, and work from there. There’s no shortcut to getting blog traffic. All you have to do is to work very hard, be patient and stay consistent.

There are many ways you can monetize your blog and a few include;

  • Affiliate marketing: With affiliate marketing, you promote the products of other businesses and get a commission for every sale you help bring in. you act more as an online sales agent.
  • Advertisement: You can monetize your blog by displaying ads on it.
  • Sell eBooks: You can easily promote your eBook directly through your blog by creating attractive content that will draw people in, then enticing them with your eBook.
  • Sell digital services: You can effectively sell any type of digital information product on your blog as long as it's in harmony with your content.

How To Start A Blog In Uganda: Conclusion

Starting a blog is easy. Creating one that will be successful and make money requires hard work, dedication, and grit. But, the rewards are greater than the risks.

Blogs are affordable and more accessible today than they have ever been before.

Like anything else in life, there will be obstacles that attempt to throw you off course. But, I encourage you to go forward with your passion and share it through your own blog.

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