Highly Experienced Anaheim Divorce Attorney

Jos Family Law will assist you with a wide range of services to help you through the legal processes like Child Support, Child Custody, Mediation, Alimony, and More.

Highly Experienced Anaheim Divorce Attorney

At Jos Family Law, we're committed to ensuring the well-being of individuals and families through family law services. We help families avoid bitter cold conflicts and settle disputes constructively and amicably. 

We understand that every issue - be it divorce, child custody, child support, or asset division, can put a huge strain on your family. That's why our family law attorney Orange County offers their unwavering support and commitment throughout the process. 


Why Choose Us?

·        Certified Specialists

All our attorneys are Certified Family Law Specialists by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.

·        Seasoned Expertise

Our lead attorney has 20+ years of experience, and collectively, we have 55 years of experience in helping OC families navigate complex legal procedures.

·        Tailored Strategies

We understand your family is unique. Jos Family Law understands your situation to provide tailored counsel and representation that achieves your goals in a timely and cost-efficient manner. 

·        Ethical & Honest

Our attorneys are caring and compassionate about your situation. We provide ethical and honest advocacy to alleviate stress and confusion in your life.

·        Free Consultation

Reach out to our family law attorney to schedule a free initial consultation and discuss your case.


You're Not Alone

Call us at 714-733-7066 or send an email to jos@josfamilylaw.com to schedule a free initial consultation with our Anaheim divorce attorney.