Crysto Panda praises Sheebah Karungi as ‘hit machine’ over Spice Diana

Crysto Panda believes that Sheebah Karungi has a bigger list of hit songs compared to Spice Diana, despite both artists having extremely good music. The post Crysto Panda praises Sheebah Karungi as ‘hit machine’ over Spice Diana appeared first on MBU.

Crysto Panda praises Sheebah Karungi as ‘hit machine’ over Spice Diana

Crysto Panda gave his thoughts while appearing on Galaxy TV regarding the talents of Sheebah Karungi and Spice Diana. According to him, as much as both artists have commendable music, Sheebah stands out with a bigger list of hit songs.

Panda says outside the music, comparisons can stand but head-to-head music catalogue he feels Sheebah edges a bit.

He adds that he has a good relationship with Spice Diana’s manager but the reality according to him is that Sheebah Karungi is a “hit machine” compared to Spice.

I don’t have a problem with either artist, but I am speaking from my point of view. Both artists have extremely good music, but if we are talking hits… Sheebah would be defined as someone up on her game. Crysto Panda

The post Crysto Panda praises Sheebah Karungi as ‘hit machine’ over Spice Diana appeared first on MBU.