‘You might be in a cult’: Congressman demolishes GOP for loyalty to Trump

The GOP attempted to distract the public from Donald Trump’s conviction by bringing Attorney General Merrick Garland in front of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday. While Republicans like Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida pushed conspiracy theories, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California shut them down in an embarrassing defeat. “I'm starting to think you're in a cult,” Swalwell said. He proceeded to point to the cognitive dissonance among the GOP’s Trump apologists, and then he listed off the 37 countries that ban convicted felons from entering.  While Swalwell rattled this off, Republicans objected and Committee chair, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, pounded his gavel.  My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing makes sense—your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy. Unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult. That is your right. But it's not your responsibility. I promise you, that's not what your constituents would want. So if you believe in states’ rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president, you might be in a cult.  If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police, when the police go to your nominee's house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult.  If you're supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting a security clearance, you might be in a cult.  And if the guy you're supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia. Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the UK, you might be in a cult. YouTube Video Every day brings a new prognostication that is making President Joe Biden's campaign operatives worry or freak out. Is Donald Trump running away with the election? No. Not even close. Embedded Content Campaign Action

‘You might be in a cult’: Congressman demolishes GOP for loyalty to Trump

The GOP attempted to distract the public from Donald Trump’s conviction by bringing Attorney General Merrick Garland in front of the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday. While Republicans like Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida pushed conspiracy theories, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California shut them down in an embarrassing defeat.

“I'm starting to think you're in a cult,” Swalwell said.

He proceeded to point to the cognitive dissonance among the GOP’s Trump apologists, and then he listed off the 37 countries that ban convicted felons from entering. 

While Swalwell rattled this off, Republicans objected and Committee chair, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, pounded his gavel. 

My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing makes sense—your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy. Unless you are in a cult. And guys, I'm starting to think you're in a cult.

That is your right. But it's not your responsibility. I promise you, that's not what your constituents would want. So if you believe in states’ rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president, you might be in a cult. 

If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police, when the police go to your nominee's house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult. 

If you're supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting a security clearance, you might be in a cult. 

And if the guy you're supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia. Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the UK, you might be in a cult.

Every day brings a new prognostication that is making President Joe Biden's campaign operatives worry or freak out. Is Donald Trump running away with the election? No. Not even close.

Campaign Action