Ugandan, Nigerian Mother’s Union bodies foster cooperation

Ugandan, Nigerian Mother’s Union bodies foster cooperation
Mother's Union members at Entebbe Airport

By Darlington Mabonga

Religion can be used to strengthen collaborations among communities, societies and countries as well as regions because spiritual nourishment is critical in transforming and positively impacting human emotions.

And as a result a delegation of over 52 women leaders from the Namirembe diocese mothers union have returned home after a weeklong pastoral tour of duty to their counterparts in Nigeria.

The president of the mothers union Nalongo Biingi Roseline Kawiiso who masterminded the trip said their visit and interaction with their counterparts from the diocese of Kafachan in Abuja was strategic and bore fresh fruits in the minds and hearts of her delegation members.

Kawiso told this website at Entebbe international airport upon arrival back home that they managed through the mercy of God to Network with their counterparts in Nigeria through discussing a number of critical topics all focusing at forging a strong bond of collaboration between her Ugandan team and Nigeria.

She commended the most Rev. Dr. Henry C. Ndukuba who is the Bishop of Abuja and primate of all Nigeria for the warm reception they extended to her delegation of 52 women describing the courtesy visit as historical and fruitful.

‘We would like to register our appreciation to the Bishop of Abuja Anglican communion diocese and primate of all Nigeria the most Rev. Dr.Henry C. Ndukuba for the warm reception they accorded to our delegation while on a pastoral trip to Nigeria recently’ noted Kawiiso.

She pointed out that they managed to exchange and share key strategic developmental ideas focusing at fostering close collaboration and promoting unity in diversity among the two sisters Christian mother union fraternity.

the team was reportedly exposed to carrying out preaching sessions among Nigerian women counterparts as well as sharing messages of love, hard work and team building among other activities  

The members were welcomed at the airport by a huge team of colleagues who congratulated them for having invested in new strong ties with counterpart friends of Nigeria and hoped to share the fruits of the high level benchmarking trip with them.