Nina Roz announces first EP ahead of debut concert

Ugandan singer Nina Roz has announced that she will be releasing her first EP later this year, with mega collaborations lined up. The post Nina Roz announces first EP ahead of debut concert appeared first on MBU.

Nina Roz announces first EP ahead of debut concert

Ugandan singer and performer Nina Kankunda, popularly known as Nina Roz has announced that she will be releasing her first EP later this year.

Around 2016, Nina Roz’s music juorney began as a Team No Sleep affiliate. She has since worked with several top artists and released many bangers in that period.

She, however, had never settled down to compile an Extended Play or Album and has always released singles including chart-topping collaborations.

It seems this is the year she get that off her bucket list and according to her announcement, she plans to make it worthwhile with mega collaborations being lined up.

Also Read: Nina Roz plans to have her maiden concert at Bobi Wine’s beach

She is yet to reveal the name of her EP and when it will be released but she has always let her passion show through her music and this is an EP we are looking forward to.

Nina Roz earlier this year also announced her plans of holding her very first concert at Bobi Wine’s One Love Beach in Busabala.

We half way to the end of 2024 , And I’m trully thrilled to announce that for the first time in my entire career im droppin an EP ! It’s been an experience of collaborating and working with the best so I know it will be worth the wait. Nina Roz

The post Nina Roz announces first EP ahead of debut concert appeared first on MBU.