Ugandan Artiste Bebe Cool Music rallies youth to explore Uganda's Tourist destinations as World Tourism Day nears.

Ugandan Artiste Bebe Cool Music rallies youth to explore Uganda's Tourist destinations as World Tourism Day nears.
Bebe Cool

Ugandan musician Bebe Cool popularly known as Bebe Cool has revealed that, urged the youth in Uganda to promote local torusin through exploring the tourist sites existing that make Uganda unique from places on earth. He said this will in return the patrotism spiriti for thier country.

Bebe Cool revealed this at the sidelines of the the Media launch for World Tourism Day, Tourism Month and Explore Rwenzori domestic tourism promotional campaign at Fairway Hotel in Kampala.

He expressed gratitude to his music recording and performinng journey of more than 30 years which powered him to traverse and appreciate the countryside beauty of destination Uganda while urging fellow artists and Ugandans to follow suit to market Uganda's beauty else where. 

He said that the unique features Uganda is endowned with nakes the country so peculiar.

"Uganda’s rich and diverse landscapes and warm, welcoming people are part of what makes this country so special. Growing up in Kasese, a district renowned for its rich culture and picturesque scenery, I was immersed in the warmth of the Bakonjo people. I lived near the Kilembe Mines with my stepfather at the ages of 9-12 years and often travelled by train through the region. These experiences shaped my appreciation for the richness of Uganda and deepened my connection with the people of Kasese" he said 

Comparing his visits to other countries he has traveled to, Bebe Cool said that in more than 30 countries he has visisted across the world including the United States, Europe, and Asia among others he has not foumnd a coutry as better than Uganda given its fine weather, warm welcoming people, good food, and everything he has managed to achieve has been in Uganda including his music breakthrough and success, family, and status.

"Music has given me the privilege to travel across Uganda majorly by road, allowing me to experience the country physically by eyesight. I have seen first-hand the breathtaking sceneries, the rich diversity, and the potential that Uganda offers. If more people, especially the youth, took the time to explore Uganda, they would quickly realize that it truly is a gem. Having travelled abroad and compared my experiences, I can say without hesitation that Uganda is pure gold — its beauty, its people, and its potential are unmatched’’he said 

Meanwhile he mentioned that as an econmic driver, Tourism has potential to generate revenue for the county more than some of the other sectors.

"Tourism is also a major economic driver, one that has the potential to generate significant revenue for Uganda through foreign exchange. Countries that have prioritized tourism have reaped immense benefits. For Uganda to do the same, the government must increase its investment in the sector. I urge the government to allocate a bigger budget to the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities so that Uganda can better compete on the global stage. With the right investment and promotion, Uganda has the potential to become one of the world’s top tourist destinations’’he said 

Bebe Cool together with family and the Gagamel members will be part of this year’s World Tourism Day celebrations and the Explore Rwenzori domestic tourism campaign as he will leverage the events to showcase the beauty of Uganda using his social media platforms.

World Tourism Day and the Explore Rwenzori campaign were launched ahead of the World Tourism Day 2024 which will be celebrated on 27th September in Kasese district at Nyakasanga Grouds..As part of activities to commemorate World Tourism Day the Ministry of Tourrism will recognize persons and organizations who have made unique and significant contributions to the sustainable development of the Tourism industry in Uganda. One of the categories to be recognized is the Best Tourism City Award of the Year evaluated against 12 key areas parameters which include Attractions and Activities, Accessibility, Accommodation, Safety and Security, Tourism Planning and management among others.