Livelihoods transformed as Strømme Foundation & Partners implements empowerment projects in Northern Uganda.

Livelihoods transformed as Strømme Foundation & Partners implements empowerment projects in Northern Uganda.
Group photo of Stromme Foundation Representatives, Partners and beneficiaries.

Strømme Foundation, a rights-based development NGO that was founded in 1976 in Norway, works towards a vision of a world free from poverty,  In Uganda, they implement education, livelihoods, and civil society strengthening programs in remote and hard-to-reach areas like Northern Uganda in District is such as Moyo, Yumbe, Obongi, Eastern Uganda, the Karamoja region, among others. Together with partners PALM Corps, and Rural

Initiative for Community Empowerment (RICE West Nile), have implemented PACES ( Programme for Adolescent and Children’s Education in Social Empowerment) project with the support of the AKO Foundation from Norway.  Executed from 2021 to 2023,this project focuses on supporting Children in primary schools and out of school Adolescents (OOSAs) in Northern Uganda to have access to formal and non-formal Education, a program called BONGA which addresses key reasons why children drop out of school by providing training in, mindset change, life skills, menstrual hygiene management and home gardening which help in family food supplies which also, in turn, eases school-related expenses.

The BONGA program has been established in different schools, such as Belle Primary School and Morobi Primary School in Obongi district, to train learners with mindset change first, then later introduce income-generating programs.

In her address, the country director, of Strømme Foundation Ms. Dinah Morgan thanked the AKO foundation which have funded the project to fight poverty thru inclusive education to the little ones, primary children, and those transiting from primary school. She says, with this partnership which started from 2021-23, they have been able to reach over 5002 children in school, build six classrooms and hundreds of desks so that their learning environment improves. Morgan adds that the reason AKO foundation, their funders are here is to move to the field  to see the children's progress, impacts and success stories as a result of BONGA program and promised that they’re still continuing. " We are still continuing with the AKO foundation from 2024-26 with the same agenda of improving quality education"

In conclusion, She reminded us that with Strømme Foundation, they believe that the way out of poverty is the first day in school.

Erik Lunde, the secretary general of Strømme Foundation says they realised there was need for youth empowerment and education to the children, who drop out from school in the Northern Uganda so they had to come in and support  so that there’s self development as once said by Nyerere, the late President of Tanzania.

 “ As said by Nyerere,Develop yourself” because learning is the key to better life” he said.

Henrik Syse, a trustee of Strømme Foundation Norway, also a professor of philosophy says every single human being is unique so let everyone have a positive mind.

Mr. Pax Sakari, the Executive director – RICE WEST NILE Encouraged learners never to give up because every one passes in that stage to become better in life.

He appreciated the AKO foundation group for supporting and accepting to come to such rural areas in Northern Uganda where boys and girls through BONGA have learnt how to make liquid soap, re usable pads so that the girls maintain in school, leadership skills, peers education to help adolescents become self reliant, debate, presentations, confidence,etc.  

The headmaster, Labelle primary school – Mr. Khemis Marjan appreciated this project and said now the students can speak confidently, they have gardens, AKO foundation has helped to improve their school environment, it’s green. He said they also support with scholastic materials like books, chalk and others.

Dr. Abbey Anyanzo,  the Executive Director PALM CORP thanked Strømme Foundation for making it possible thru different donors for them to participate in transforming lives. He also thanked the funders, AKO foundation for the support  where 200 leaners in 6 schools have been transformed. “our mission is transforming values, attitude and practice. The life skills and the vocational skills have helped many transform” , He added that BONGA has trained many for example a one Eve Kojo who has now transformed into an animator, and as a result Morobi primary school even won a tent (100 seater)

Head Master of Morobi primary school in Obongi district, one of the consumers of BONGA, Mr. Adaku Munduga Kassim also Thanked the partners because out of their support, learners have become good speakers, they have been supported by scholastic materials, taught lifeskills to improve their well being, and more so,sanitary pads which was embraced so much because now no girl misses school and in future, girls will be getting money out of that. He also appreciated RICE West Nile and Strømme Foundation who “have constructed for us  Avery good wash room which promotes hygiene”

Testimonies from students  

According  to Given Kabiong, a student of Morobi primary school, through BONGA, the rate of teenage pregnancy has reduced because “last year we didn't have any one sit for UNEB with pregnancy, we are now smart so we have gained smartness” The Rate of absenteeism has reduced after learning how to make sanitary pads.

They have also learnt how to garden, they can now harvest and sell, use the money to  invest more and now expanded to poultry.  

Fikira Sarah

Fikira Sarah who’s a senior three student of Idiwa Parent’s school in Palorinya Refugee settlement in Obongi district was forced to flee her homeland (South Sudan) together with her family of four was empowered by Strømme Foundation  through Palm corps  in 2020  where she went through skills training in tailoring and awareness sessions. Shee now supports her family and she’s very glad because BONGA really helped her

“I I'm very glad because through bonga program I got a lot of knowledge and skills especially life skills decision making self-awareness etc which are playing a critical role in my life. At first, I didn't want to join School and I just did it not disappoint my mother but after, I realized that being in school was for my own benefit and the only assurance of my bright future and using the money I make from sewing I am able to pay my own fees and support my family”

Food security, they have managed to improve their diets, since they have vegetables gardens, nutritious meal

Yepi Annet   who is a proud mother of three and she's 25 years old is a refugee from South Sudan,she  lost her parents in 2014 and she was abandoned together with her seven siblings by distant relatives who left them on their own. At the age of 17 she found a man for marriage because she hoped that the man would support but in 2016, the war broke out in South Sudan forcing her and husband plus her siblings to flee to Uganda but since she  she was burdened, she was so frustrated and she even wanted to commit suicide four times but her neighbour rescued her and introduced to Bonga programme,  enrolled for the six months training which changed her life at this point she is seeing value in herself and she's also able to feed her children and to cater for all the needs.

“ I’m grateful to God for what BONGA has done in my life it picked me from nowhere and put me where my life is now as I am stress free amidst of challenges”  she said 


Evans came as a refuge from south Sudan, with mother, he dropped out but since he didn't have any early literacy, he dropped out and started lousing in village. He stayed with his aunt who didn't help because she had been abandoned by her husband with 7 kids and they had no way out, that's how he joined BONGA and was taught how to repair phones and he realised he can get money, but since he didn't have any business background, he went back to school to acquire, numeracy and literacy skills to boost his business in efficiency. Evans is 17 years old and taking care of a family of over 10.

Poni Stella, 15yrs  - Morobi primary school  

Says through the Bonga programme, she is now able to use reusable pads to avoid absenteeism  

“I nolonger miss school due to MP, coz I do my own reusable pads, My mother has stopped spending on pads because I now make my own and for my sister's at home.  I do liquid soap which I use for income and also at home for cleaning”

She adds that her performance has greatly improved- “My Performance has improved due to the improved learning environment, I would like to thank AKO foundation, Strømme Foundation and RICE West Nile  for the support “

Hellen Madodri Says through BONGA she’s now very Confident, she has learnt Self awareness, Decision making,  for example to drop out of school or not, among others.

Doreen Modong from Morobi primary school and she says she has learnt how to start a Nursery bed, plant and also make  transplantations so that a bigger garden is made which eventually improves their diet and nutrition.

She adds that “ I have learnt Public speaking and Caring about others”