Kaguta @80, Women in Christ shower him with accolades wish him long life

Kaguta @80, Women in Christ shower him with accolades wish him long life
Mother Union Namirembe

By Mabonga Darlington

As president Kaguta Museveni recently thanked God for keeping alive for 80 years now and still energetic, more citizens continue pouring accolades at the fountain honor saying he deserves this gift of life.

Among them are the women of Namirembe diocese mothers Union who told this website that the president has guided the country into prosperity and are appreciating his leadership which has created immense opportunities for the economic emancipation of the women of Uganda.

Their president Nalongo Biingi Roseline Kawiiso said as women in Christ under the Namirembe diocese, they appreciate the almighty Lord for granting wisdom to the president which has enabled him to lead the country to grater horizons.

‘We stand with our president as he recently celebrated his 80 years of quality life and do appreciate the lord for granting him wisdom to lead the state affairs of Uganda’ noted Kawiiso adding that as Christian women, they will stand with him in prayer as well as supporting his government economic empowerment and emancipation programs.

She pointed out that they have been able to benefit from the many programs of government such as Emyooga, Women livelihood and parish development model [PDM] and now Grow program saying their children have been able to attend school, as well as meeting key basic household needs.

Kawiiso challenged the population to rally behind the president by actively participating in all the programs given that those funds come from the very taxes they pay to URA.

She used the opportunity to encourage all mothers across the country to participate in these programs as a deliberate strategy of fighting household poverty as opposed to lamenting about scarcity of jobs in government offices.