Bishop Banja Inaugurates St. Johns Kiwatule Church of Uganda to parish status

Bishop Banja Inaugurates St. Johns Kiwatule Church of Uganda to parish status
Bishop Banja installing Rev. Sekitoleko as the new parish head at the church

By Darlington Mabonga

The Bishop of Namirembe diocese Bishop Moses Banja has urged Christians to ensure that they vividly protect and support all church of Uganda programs and projects including property as a deliberate strategy to keep off saboteurs.

Banja made the remark yesterday at the official inauguration and installation ceremony of Rev.  William Wilberforce Sekitoleko as the new head of the St. Johns Kiwatule church of Uganda Anglican parish after granting it parish status.

It had been previously operating under the Namugongo archdeaconry and now becomes a stand-alone full parish under the Church of Uganda Anglican faith having met all church statutory requirements as laid down by the church rules of administration.

He congratulated the Christians of the area for the new achievement saying such developments are arrived at after extensive consultation and evidence based research to determine that such a community has fulfilled all the set principles for grant of a parish.

Bishop Banja (2nd L) joined by other parish members

Bishop Banja decried the escalating cases of cold murders of innocent citizens among communities as well as the rising cases of corruption of which he says the government must tackle without fear or favor as the resultant consequences negatively affect service delivery to the taxpayers.  

The leader of opposition in parliament Nakawa West MP Joel Senyonyi said the area Christians have proved that they are capable of promoting the development programs of the church which now becomes a fully-fledged parish with a mandate to handle large-scale projects that empower and cherishes spiritual nourishment aspects of positive Christian lifestyles.

The newly installed Parish boss Rev.Sekitoleko thanked the Namirembe diocese leadership under Bishop Banja for entrusting him with such key responsibility of running a maiden parish saying with the support of the Christian flock, they will have to  implement the laid down church strategic development master plan including the completion of their magnificent church.

The church head of laity Joyce Namubiru Kigozi thanked  Bishop Banja for accepting to come and preside over the historical event of both inaugurating the church as well as installing Rev. Sekitoleko as the maiden leader of the new parish saying they will collectively support his programs that foster their set  future development agenda.

Kigozi urged the Christian to continue supporting their fundraising efforts towards fixing the floor terrazzo system as well as putting up finishing touches on the entire imposing church facility that meets modern day standards.

She revealed that they will soon launch the Runyankole,Rukiga Rutooro  [RRR] special mass service in the afternoon of each Sunday given the growing numbers of Christians from those exclusive linguistic communities as well as saluting the good Networking relationship their church enjoys with other religious sects such as the nearby Catholic and Moslem communities which has fostered good neighborhood ness.