Ground Rent to be deposited to the Ministry of Lands Bank Account

On 17th March 2025, The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, in collaboration with Pelum Uganda members convened Land Actors in Uganda for a Consultative meeting on the National Land Policy at Hotel Africana Kampala to discuss how to close the gaps that exist in the current regulations on land management, dispute resolution, collections of ground rent, land ownership identification among other issues.
Among the salient issues that were identified were as a result of many occupants claiming that they were willing to pay grand rent, but they didn't know the rightful landlords to which to submit.
In a bid to resolve the issue of ground rent, among the recommendations was to open up one central account on which to deposit all the ground rent from Uganda land owners and tenants.
Ms. Noame Kabanda, Director, of Land Management in the Ministry of lands said that “an administration account will be opened under the Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development to which money as "Obuusulu” (grand rent) is going to be deposited as payments for Land occupancy after being cleared by Land sub-counties. This is intended to solve the problem of defaulters, and absent landlords among other reasons”
Josephine Akia Luyimbazi,
Josephine Akia Luyimbazi, Country Coordinator PELUM Uganda while giving her remarks said that the review is timely to ensure land development aligns with the aspirations of national growth, especially for the marginalized land users.
She added that as Pelum Uganda they are promoting sustainable land practices that provide security, environmental conservation, and agriculture as a pillar of culture, identity, survival and development.
Dr. Doreen Kobusinge, Coordinator - National Land Coalition of Uganda while presenting on the Land Administration Framework and the proposed amendments said “It's recommended that the Government of Uganda shall put in place a complete and comprehensive policy, legal and regulatory framework for Land Administration”
She said there is a need to amend the law to provide for personal liability against land administration officers for abuse and misuse of office.