Irene Namatovu tips stay-at-home wives to prioritize attractiveness to keep husbands from straying

Singer Irene Namubiru has urged stay-at-home wives to ensure that they keep up to the standard of looking attractive and hot before their husbands in any way possible. She notes that when housewives take good care of themselves and dress sharply they reduce the chances of slay queens snatching their husbands from them. She gave […] The post Irene Namatovu tips stay-at-home wives to prioritize attractiveness to keep husbands from straying appeared first on MBU.

Irene Namatovu tips stay-at-home wives to prioritize attractiveness to keep husbands from straying

Singer Irene Namubiru has urged stay-at-home wives to ensure that they keep up to the standard of looking attractive and hot before their husbands in any way possible.

She notes that when housewives take good care of themselves and dress sharply they reduce the chances of slay queens snatching their husbands from them.

She gave herself as an example revealing that whenever she is at home with her husband Hon. Geofrey Lutaaya in their room, she makes sure that dresses skimpily and does everything that could smitten her husband.

Ladies, let’s look after ourselves and dress sharp to keep these younger girls from snatching our men Irene Namatovu

Irene Namatovu further advised fellow ladies to give their husbands peace by not being quarrelsome all the time and finding ways of spicing up their love lives.

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She believes that some disputes in marriage can be solved amicably rather than instilling tough rules that make men look outside the relationship.

The post Irene Namatovu tips stay-at-home wives to prioritize attractiveness to keep husbands from straying appeared first on MBU.