Don't Flush Money: A Guide to Choosing & Replacing Your Toilet

Don't flush money away! Use our guide to choosing and replacing your toilet. Prime Time Plumbing Services in Johns Creek, GA, offers expert advice and professional installation for a reliable, cost-effective upgrade.

Don't Flush Money: A Guide to Choosing & Replacing Your Toilet
Don't Flush Money: A Guide to Choosing & Replacing Your Toilet

Choosing and replacing a toilet might seem like a straightforward task, but it’s one that can significantly impact your household’s water usage, plumbing efficiency, and overall comfort. Coupled with the importance of maintaining clear drains, this guide will help you make informed decisions, ensuring that you don’t end up flushing money Toilet Replacement Services in Johns Creek GA.

Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right Toilet

Efficiency and Water Savings

Modern toilets are designed with efficiency in mind. The Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense program certifies toilets that use 20% less water than the current federal standard of 1.6 gallons per flush. Choosing a WaterSense-labeled toilet can save a family of four up to 16,000 gallons of water annually, translating to significant savings on your water bill.

Comfort and Functionality

Toilets come in various shapes, sizes, and heights. Standard toilets are typically 15 inches high, but comfort-height toilets, which are around 17 to 19 inches, are becoming increasingly popular, especially for the elderly or those with mobility issues. Additionally, the shape of the toilet bowl (round or elongated) can affect comfort and space utilization in your bathroom.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Toilet

Flushing Mechanism

There are several types of flushing mechanisms to consider:

  • Gravity-fed: The most common type, using the weight of the water to generate flushing pressure.
  • Pressure-assisted: Uses compressed air to forcefully push water into the bowl, reducing the likelihood of clogs.
  • Dual-flush: Offers two flush options, a full flush for solid waste and a reduced flush for liquid waste, enhancing water efficiency.

Material and Build Quality

Most toilets are made from vitreous china, known for its durability and ease of cleaning. However, the quality of the glazing and overall build can vary. Investing in a well-made toilet ensures longevity and fewer issues over time.


Beyond water usage, consider toilets made from sustainable materials or those that offer features like composting. Composting toilets, for example, are an excellent choice for off-grid living or for those looking to significantly reduce their water footprint.

Steps to Replacing Your Toilet


  1. Gather Tools and Materials: You’ll need a new toilet, a wax ring, adjustable wrench, sponge, bucket, gloves, and possibly a hacksaw.
  2. Turn Off the Water Supply: Locate the shutoff valve near the base of the toilet and turn it off.
  3. Drain the Toilet: Flush the toilet to remove as much water as possible, then use a sponge and bucket to remove any remaining water from the tank and bowl.

Removal of the Old Toilet

  1. Disconnect the Water Line: Use an adjustable wrench to disconnect the water supply line from the toilet tank.
  2. Remove the Bolts: Unscrew the bolts securing the toilet to the floor. You may need to use a hacksaw if they are corroded.
  3. Lift and Remove the Toilet: Carefully lift the toilet off the flange. Be cautious as old toilets can be heavy and may require assistance.

Installation of the New Toilet

  1. Prepare the Flange: Clean any old wax or debris from the flange. Place a new wax ring on the flange.
  2. Position the Toilet: Lower the new toilet onto the flange, ensuring the bolts pass through the holes in the base. Press down firmly to seat the toilet into the wax ring.
  3. Secure the Toilet: Tighten the bolts carefully, ensuring not to overtighten and crack the porcelain.
  4. Reconnect the Water Supply: Attach the water supply line to the toilet tank and turn on the water supply.
  5. Test for Leaks: Flush the toilet several times to ensure there are no leaks and that everything is functioning correctly.

The Role of Drain Cleaning in Toilet Maintenance

Importance of Regular Drain Cleaning

A new toilet can’t function optimally if the drains are clogged. Regular drain cleaning ensures that waste flows smoothly through your pipes, preventing backups and potential damage to your plumbing system.

Best Practices for Drain Cleaning

  1. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners: While they may provide a quick fix, chemical drain cleaners can damage pipes over time. Opt for natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar or mechanical methods like a plunger or drain snake.
  2. Use Professional Services: For persistent clogs or routine maintenance, hire a professional Drain Cleaning Services in Alpharetta GA. Professionals have the tools and expertise to thoroughly clean your drains without causing damage.
  3. Preventative Measures: Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items, use drain screens to catch debris, and periodically flush your drains with hot water to prevent buildup.


Choosing and replacing a toilet is a significant investment that impacts your household’s water efficiency and comfort. By considering factors such as flushing mechanisms, build quality, and eco-friendliness, you can select the best toilet for your needs. Additionally, maintaining clear drains through regular cleaning and professional services ensures that your new toilet functions optimally. Remember, the right choices today can save you money and headaches in the future.