Anko Ronnie’s success with Spice Diana after Lydia Jazmine’s rejection

Anko Ronnie attempted to collaborate with Lydia Jazmine on the track "Forever" but she showed no interest, so he pivoted and successfully pitched the idea to Spice Diana. The post Anko Ronnie’s success with Spice Diana after Lydia Jazmine’s rejection appeared first on MBU.

Anko Ronnie’s success with Spice Diana after Lydia Jazmine’s rejection

Anko Ronnie in a conversation with Galaxy TV, he recounted his attempt to collaborate with Lydia Jazmine on the track “Forever,” which unfortunately didn’t materialize.

Ronnie explains that when he ran the idea by Lydia Jazmine, she felt like the song wasn’t her style but he later pivoted and successfully pitched the idea to Spice Diana, who accepted to give him a chance.

I will say this bluntly. Before giving the “forever” song to Spice Diana, I gave it to Lydia Jazmine, and she showed me no interest at all. Anko Ronnie

The post Anko Ronnie’s success with Spice Diana after Lydia Jazmine’s rejection appeared first on MBU.