URA at 69% revenue collection to annual target. Collects UGX 15.4 Trillion in 9 months.

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has registered significant growth in revenue of up to UGX 1,490.41 billion representing 10.66% in the period from July to March for the FY 2021/22 compared to the same period in the FY 2020/21.
URA announced that in a period of FY 2020/21 URA had a target of collecting UGX 16,532.43 billion, the revenue collections were UGX 15,466.68 billion representing 69.16% of the annual target representing 73.93% of the annual target of UGX 22,363.51 billion.
During a revenue performance press brief report held on 10th MQY 2022 at URA offices, The Commissioner General John Musinguzi Rujoki, said that the significant growth was attributed to the surpluses accrued from PAYE, casino, bank interest taxes among others in addition to growth in international vatable goods, increase in import fuel volumes among others.
“During the period July to March, the actual net revenue collections were UGX 15,466.68 billion representing 69.16% of the annual target. A significant growth in revenue of UGX 1,490.41 billion (10.66%) was registered in July to March FY 2021/22 compared to the same period in the FY 2020/21” he said.
The Commissioner General pictured above said that in the first three quarters of the FY 2021/22, URA intensified administration measures to influence taxpayer compliance behavior, widen the tax base and support revenue collections with initiatives including: expansion of the tax payer register, arrears management, customs enforcements, Tax Investigation compliance initiatives among others, which he said enhanced tax payers’ compliance.
The CG John called upon all stakeholders in the tax system of Uganda to work together to achieve the annua revenue target with the remaining two month of the financial year 2021/2002.
“We are optimistic that we can close this financial year successfully. It’s possible. But it will all depend on the support of Ugandans, the people doing business in this economy and of commitment and the stretching of the URA officers who are already committed to this” he said.