Uganda Catholic Charismatic Renewal Sets Momentum for Nationwide Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Namugongo

Uganda Catholic Charismatic Renewal Sets Momentum for Nationwide Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Namugongo

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Uganda has considered praying for parliamentarians amidst Uganda’s economic hardships characterized by limited funding from donors and high tax base revenues, during their celebrations of a Golden jubilee held at Namugongo Catholic Martyrs shrine.

On Sunday in Kampala the board chairman of the organizing committee Mr. Andrew Kagwa indicated that the celebrations are running under the theme , “ Put out Into the Deep,” a reading captured from the book of Luke 5:4.

All dioceses from Uganda have gathered here today to celebrate 50 years climax, just like the theme, they desire to see how they can grow deep and deeper in Christ Jesus and the prayer life so that they can be Christians who are very strong in faith, said Kagwa while addressing journalists.

The celebrations shall run for a week and different activities including workshops shall be held in the due course of the week, for example the daily Holy Mass, youth engagements, professional and business engagements, out reaches to orphanage centers, prisons and hospitals, he noted.

Father David Byaruhanga, emphasized the importance of thanks giving to God during the opening Holy Mass of the National conference. Every person should endeavor to thank God for the things happening in his or her life because according to the bibel readings , reflecting on goodness of God encourages him to do more in your life. 

“ Jesus came down to restore life, from the beginning it was all good according to Genesis 1:31, however when you look at humans today the goodness of is no longer reflected because death came into the world out of the envy of Satan , you can read this from the book of wisdom chapter 2 verse 24,” described fathe

r Byaruhanga.