How to Build High-Performance React Native Apps in Australia

Learn essential strategies to build high-performance React Native apps in Australia, optimizing for speed, efficiency, and user experience.

How to Build High-Performance React Native Apps in Australia

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses and entrepreneurs in Australia are increasingly seeking ways to create high-performance mobile applications. React Native, a popular open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook, offers a promising solution for building cross-platform apps using a single codebase. Its ability to create apps that perform as close to native as possible has drawn attention from developers and companies alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to build high-performance React Native Moible App Development Company in Australia, focusing on key strategies and best practices to ensure that your application delivers optimal performance, scalability, and user satisfaction.

Why React Native is Popular in Australia

Australia, with its vibrant startup ecosystem and tech innovation hubs like Sydney and Melbourne, has been quick to adopt modern development frameworks like React Native. This can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: One of the biggest advantages of React Native is its ability to build apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This can save significant development time and costs, which is particularly appealing for startups and SMEs in Australia.

  2. Large Developer Community: Australia is home to a thriving React Native community. With a strong presence in meetups, hackathons, and developer events, Australian developers have easy access to support, learning resources, and collaboration opportunities.

  3. Performance Efficiency: React Native leverages native components, which results in apps that perform close to natively built applications. This is crucial in a competitive market where user experience is key to app success.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: As Australia is known for its high labor costs, React Native's ability to reduce development time and reuse code between platforms offers a cost-efficient solution for businesses.

Let’s dive deeper into the technical and strategic practices to build high-performance React Native apps.

1. Optimizing the App Architecture

a. Choose the Right Navigation Library

React Native offers several navigation libraries, but choosing the right one can drastically impact performance. The two main contenders are:

  • React Navigation: Ideal for small to medium-sized apps, React Navigation is easy to set up and has a large community for support. However, it may lead to performance bottlenecks in apps with complex navigational structures.

  • React Native Navigation (Wix): Developed by Wix, this library offers native navigation components, resulting in better performance for large and complex apps. It's particularly suitable for apps that need deep integration with the device’s native features.

b. Component-based Architecture

Breaking down the app into smaller, reusable components can enhance both performance and scalability. This approach ensures that only the necessary components are rendered, reducing the load on memory and CPU usage.

c. Efficient State Management

Proper state management is crucial to ensuring that your app is responsive and performs well under various conditions. Libraries like Redux or MobX can help you manage the global state of your application efficiently. Avoid excessive re-rendering by using tools like React.memo or PureComponent to ensure that components only update when necessary.

2. Enhancing Performance with Native Modules

React Native bridges the gap between JavaScript and native platforms by allowing developers to build native modules for platform-specific functionality. This is particularly useful when dealing with performance-heavy features like animations, video rendering, or background tasks. Native modules allow you to write custom Java or Objective-C/Swift code, providing significant performance boosts.

a. Use Native Modules Wisely

While native modules offer enhanced performance, overusing them can lead to increased complexity and maintenance challenges. It’s important to strike a balance by using native modules for only those functionalities that require native-level performance.

b. Optimize Animations

Animations can significantly affect the performance of an app. React Native offers the Animated API, which is a great tool for creating smooth animations. However, for more complex or high-performance animations, consider using native animations with the help of libraries like React Native Reanimated. This approach allows animations to run on the native thread, reducing the load on the JavaScript thread and ensuring smooth animations even under heavy app usage.

3. Reducing App Size

App size is a critical factor in user adoption, especially in markets like Australia, where network speeds and mobile data usage are significant considerations. A smaller app size can lead to faster downloads, better performance, and higher user retention.

a. Eliminate Unused Dependencies

React Native projects can accumulate unused packages and dependencies over time, leading to bloated app sizes. Regularly audit your package.json file and remove any dependencies that are not in use. Tools like react-native-unused-modules can help automate this process.

b. Enable Proguard for Android

Proguard is a tool that shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates Android code. Enabling Proguard can significantly reduce the size of your Android app by removing unused code and compressing the bytecode.

c. Use Hermes

Hermes is a JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native apps on Android. By enabling Hermes, you can reduce the app’s download size, improve startup times, and enhance overall performance. Hermes also reduces memory consumption, making it a great choice for apps with heavy user interaction.

4. Code Splitting and Lazy Loading

In large-scale React Native apps, it’s important to avoid loading all of the app’s code upfront. Code splitting and lazy loading allow the app to load only the necessary parts of the code when they are required, improving both startup time and performance.

a. Dynamic Imports

Leverage dynamic imports to load components or libraries only when they are needed. This reduces the initial bundle size and speeds up the app’s load time.

b. Use React.lazy

React.lazy is a built-in feature of React that enables you to load components lazily. This is especially useful for components that are not immediately visible or used when the app starts, ensuring that the JavaScript bundle stays small and loads faster.

5. Network and Data Optimization

a. Caching Strategies

Network performance plays a critical role in mobile app performance. Implement caching mechanisms to minimize network requests and reduce loading times. Libraries like react-query or Apollo Client provide built-in caching strategies that can help you optimize network performance.

b. Optimize Image Loading

Images can take up significant bandwidth and memory, especially in media-heavy apps. Optimize image loading using libraries like react-native-fast-image or implement lazy loading to load images only when they are about to be displayed. Use appropriate image formats such as WebP, which offer better compression without sacrificing quality.

c. Minimize API Calls

Excessive API calls can slow down the app and lead to poor performance. Group similar requests together, and use techniques like debouncing and throttling to avoid unnecessary API calls during user interactions.

6. Device-Specific Optimizations

React Native apps need to run on a wide range of devices, from high-end smartphones to older, lower-spec models. This can be particularly important in Australia, where users may have diverse devices with varying processing power.

a. Test on Multiple Devices

Ensure that your app is tested on a range of devices to identify performance bottlenecks on older or less powerful devices. Tools like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs can help simulate different device environments and allow you to test for performance issues across a variety of devices.

b. Use Platform-Specific Code

While React Native allows you to share code between iOS and Android, there are instances where platform-specific code can enhance performance. For example, iOS and Android have different UI rendering engines, and using platform-specific optimizations can make a significant difference in how your app performs on each platform.

7. Monitoring and Debugging Tools

To ensure that your React Native app performs optimally, it’s important to use performance monitoring and debugging tools throughout the development lifecycle.

a. React Native Debugger

The built-in React Native Debugger is a great tool for monitoring app performance, tracking memory usage, and identifying performance bottlenecks. It also offers a timeline view of all app operations, making it easier to pinpoint performance issues.

b. Performance Monitoring Tools

Tools like Sentry and Firebase Performance Monitoring can help you track real-time app performance in production. These tools provide insights into how your app is performing on different devices and networks, allowing you to identify and address performance issues before they impact your users.

c. Optimize Startup Time

Slow startup times can negatively impact the user experience and lead to lower retention rates. To optimize startup time, use tools like react-native-splash-screen to implement a splash screen while the app is loading. Additionally, avoid loading unnecessary libraries or components during the initial app launch.

8. Accessibility and User Experience (UX) Considerations

Beyond technical performance, user experience is critical to the success of any app. Australian users, like users worldwide, expect seamless, intuitive interactions with their mobile apps. Here’s how you can optimize for UX:

a. Focus on Accessibility

React Native offers various accessibility features that can help you make your app usable by a wider audience, including those with disabilities. Ensure that you use proper labels for buttons, forms, and interactive elements, and make your app navigable through screen readers.

b. Smooth User Interaction

Implement gestures and interactions that feel natural on both iOS and Android devices. Avoid laggy transitions and ensure that touch events are handled promptly. Tools like react-native-gesture-handler can provide better performance for gesture-based interactions compared to the built-in gesture system.


Building a high-performance React Native Mobile App Development Company in Australia requires a combination of careful architectural planning, performance optimization techniques, and user-centered design. By leveraging the best practices outlined in this guide—ranging from efficient navigation and state management to device-specific optimizations and accessibility—you can ensure that your app delivers a seamless, native-like experience on both iOS and Android.

Australia’s tech landscape is ripe for innovation, and with React Native, businesses and developers have the tools they need to create world-class mobile apps. Whether you’re a startup looking to break into the mobile market or an established company seeking to improve your app’s performance, following these strategies will help you build apps that stand out in a competitive industry. Embrace the flexibility and power of React Native, and get ready to see your app thrive in Australia’s growing mobile ecosystem.