How to choose facial care cosmetics

The best skin care products are those that work on your skin. Classifying products by type is not for nothing. Knowing it means protecting yourself from wasting money on products that are not suitable for you.

How to choose facial care cosmetics

Radiant, clean and healthy - this kind of skin every girl dreams of. Unfortunately, not all of us can boast of an even tone and the absence of rashes without using beauty cream, and insidious pimples are always trying to ruin the image and mood. For particularly impressionable beauties, such a picture in the mirror can ruin the whole day. They even cancel meetings and dates! 

Of course, lifestyle and health are essential components in the fight for beautiful skin, but proper care is another point that will help you achieve excellent results or consolidate them.

The needs of young skin

There is a myth that you only need to care for yourself as you age. Allegedly, the older a girl gets, the more attention she should pay to care procedures. But this approach needs to be corrected. Young skin needs regular care, no less than ageing skin! The secret is that there is a particular set of products that meet the needs of different ages.

Today, brands offer specialized product lines for skin care for people under 25, which feature a large selection of products, a pleasant texture, and do not cause discomfort, tightness, or stickiness. 

Young skin is elastic, flexible and able to recover quickly due to its high regenerative properties. It does not require products that imply intensive nutrition.

Up to 25 years old, the skin needs:

● in cleansing – to prevent inflammation and restrain the intensive work of the sebaceous glands;

● moisturizing - to maintain optimal levels of moisture and freshness;

● sun protection - ultraviolet radiation is considered one of the main enemies of youth, as it contributes to premature ageing.

Knowing some things will help you avoid mistakes when choosing care. First, you need to:

● determine your skin type;

● understand what kind of skin care products you need;

● choose products with environmentally friendly composition;

● draw up a schedule for their use that will help achieve the most effective result.

Why is it important to consider your skin type?

The best skin care products are those that work on your skin. Classifying products by type is not for nothing. Knowing it means protecting yourself from wasting money on products that are not suitable for you. Each skin type has problems, and choosing the wrong skin care products will only worsen them. Oily skin will shine even more, and dry skin will flake. Why do you need these troubles? Skincare products are required to restore balance and emphasize natural advantages.   

Features of skin care for different skin types

  • It is of the standard type. It has an even tone and is smooth because the pores remain invisible. Temperature changes outside do not affect its condition, as it can recover quickly. 

How to care: use products that maintain healthy skin. These can be primary lines with vitamins.

  • Oily type. Its main problem is enlarged pores and overactive sebaceous glands. Because of this, clogged pores, blackheads, irritations and rashes are often observed. 

How to care: Cleanse regularly with a face wash for oily skin and choose products that dry and eliminate inflammation. Refrain from using cosmetics based on alcohol.

  • Dry type. The skin is tight and susceptible; it often peels and turns red due to the sebaceous glands' low activity. 

How to care: use cosmetics with a soft, soothing effect. It is necessary to pay the most attention to nutrition and moisturizing. 

  • Combination type. The skin is conditionally divided into zones, each exhibiting different properties. There is an oily shine in the forehead and nose area, dryness and increased irritability on the chin and cheeks.

How to care: Carefully select products so that each local area of the face receives its own method of care.

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