Common Methods for Mosquito Control in Philadelphia

Discover effective methods of mosquito control in Philadelphia. Learn about prevention tips and the importance of mosquito extermination.

Common Methods for Mosquito Control in Philadelphia


We know that Philadelphia provides a favorable environment for the production and spread of mosquitos. As this city is situated near the Delaware River, it affects the proximity of water resources. During the hot weather, Philadelphia becomes an active source for the residence of mosquitos. Therefore, in summer people’s concern about Mosquito Control in Philadelphia increased. During this season of mosquito infestation, the government also alerts a red alarm to control the infestation which is caused by these tiny insects. When the weather in Philadelphia becomes hot, the rise in mosquito population is obvious. Culex and anopheles are the most widely spread type of mosquito in the city.  

Significance of Mosquito Extermination:  

This tiny mosquito is not a simple insect, but it is a cause of several deaths in the entire world. The number of demises that occurred due to the bite of a mosquito is more than from the bite of any other animal. Disease and mosquito are proportional to each other. This means if there is a presence of mosquitoes in a house, there is surely a risk of disease occurrence. The Bill Gates Foundation is working to provide a healthy environment to poor people. According to this foundation, mosquito kills almost 7 million people. This is just an estimation. Due to its adverse health effects controlling the mosquito community is necessary.  

Mosquitos and Their Impacts:   

A mosquito is a type of insect. It lies prominent among the various species of insects. They have become the most dangerous creatures on the earth. They are a source of vector-borne disease. These are the main families of mosquitos that are specifically known to have a great negative impact on the health and lifestyle of humans.  


This is the defamed family of mosquitoes. It is famous for spreading malaria in the community. In the first stage of malaria, a person may feel a fever. But if the problem becomes prolonged, it can lead to a life-threatening situation. 

Another disorder developed by the bite of anopheles is filariasis. If a person develops skin exploration it means the disease is at its peak level. This is also a grievous disease.  

One can easily recognize this type of mosquito by its position. When they are at rest position their body and head are in the same position. They can live for several weeks. 


Another class of mosquitoes with severe effects on health. Aedes mosquitoes develop yellow fever in humans. A virus is the offender for the transmission of this disease. In start it causes backache and fever. Organ damage and yellow skin are the severe results. Dengue fever is developed by a mosquito that has a dengue virus. At the early stage of the disease, there are no symptoms. 

After some days disease shows its impacts in the form of fever and joint pain. If the disease goes to the next stage, the symptoms developed are severe which are breathing problems, and low levels of WBC.  

Methods to Exterminate Mosquitos Community:  

Usually, mosquitos are famous as a nuisance. However, some species of mosquitos are dangerous for life. So, there is an extreme need for controlling measures to save the community from the adverse effects of the bite of mosquitoes. First, take these preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of mosquitoes in your living place.  

Standing Water: 

This is the favorite place for mosquitoes to live and reproduce. So, if you have a pool or any other source of stationary water, remove it at once. A birdbath can also be a breeding place for mosquitoes. They start to lay their eggs in these which spreads disease to birds in case any bird drinks water from this utensil. 


Any container which is used to store water should be properly covered after its use. For example, after taking a bath if there is water left in the tub, then drop all the water and empty the tub. Or put a strong seal on it. This is necessary to keep mosquitoes away from water. 

Use of Repellents: 

Repellents are barriers against mosquitoes. They make the entrance of these insects difficult. These are available in several forms. For applying on the skin many repellants are available in the market. Natural and home-based barriers are also present. Spray these barriers to the outside of your home. For example, citrus peel is a natural barrier against mosquitos. 


Electrical traps can be used to capture mosquitos. These traps first attract the mosquitoes towards them and then kill them.  


In this technique of killing mosquitos, pesticide spray is directly applied to the suspicious place. A machine is used for aerial spray. This is the most effective way if performed correctly. 


Briefly, various larvicide use is increasing in Philadelphia for controlling the community of mosquitos. There should be a community awareness program for residents to keep them aware of the potential hazards of mosquito infection. This is possible if the local working authority takes an interest in this regard. 

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