Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer: Exam Insights, Preparation Tips, and Resources

Becoming a Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer dumps validates your expertise in developing automation solutions using Splunk SOAR (formerly Phantom). This guide provides essential insights into the certification exam, offers effective preparation tips, and highlights recommended resources to help you succeed.

Understanding Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer Exam

The Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer exam assesses your ability to design and implement automation workflows using Splunk SOAR. Key aspects of the exam include:

  • Automation Workflow Development: Creating and customizing automated workflows within Splunk SOAR.

  • Integration with External Systems: Configuring integrations with various external systems and tools to enhance automation capabilities.

  • Scripting and Programming: Utilizing Python scripting and Splunk SOAR's Playbook Editor for automation logic.

Benefits of Splunk SOAR Certification

Achieving Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer status demonstrates your proficiency in leveraging SOAR technology to streamline security operations, enhance incident response, and improve overall efficiency within organizations.

Preparation Tips for Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer Exam

Prepare effectively for the Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer exam with these strategies:

  1. Hands-on Experience: Gain practical experience by working on automation projects within Splunk SOAR.

  2. Study Official Documentation: Familiarize yourself with Splunk SOAR's documentation, including guides and tutorials.

  3. Practice with Sample Workflows: Create and test automation workflows using Splunk SOAR's sandbox environment or trial version.

  4. Review Community Contributions: Engage with the Splunk community forums and blogs to learn from others' experiences and best practices.

Recommended Resources for Exam Preparation

Enhance your preparation with these valuable resources:

  • Splunk SOAR Documentation: Official guides, tutorials, and technical documentation available on Splunk's website.

  • Online Courses: Splunk offers training courses specifically tailored for SOAR developers.

  • Practice Labs: Utilize Splunk SOAR's sandbox environment or virtual labs to practice automation workflows.


Earning Splunk SOAR Certified Automation Developer certification signifies your ability to deploy sophisticated automation solutions using Splunk SOAR, empowering organizations with enhanced security operations and incident response capabilities. Prepare diligently, leverage recommended resources, and approach the exam with confidence to achieve your certification goals.