HRMAU to launch new workforce survey as new Governing Council swears in for the next 2-year tenure.

The Human Resource Managers Association of Uganda (HRMAU) has sworn in a new Governing council to steer the human resource umbrella organization for the period from 2022 to 2024. HRMAU has also announced that they will conduct a new stakeholder perspective survey aimed at capturing the needs, expectations, and interests of the workers.
The incoming President of HRMAU Ronald Bbosa during the swearing ceremony held on 13th May 2022 at Serena hotel appreciated the members of HRMAU for entrusting the new council with the responsibility to steer the organization for the next 2 years.
"On behalf of the newly elected Governing Council, allow me to convey our heartfelt appreciation to members of HRMAU for entrusting us with the responsibility to steer the activities of the Human Resource Manager’s Association of Uganda over the next 2 years,” he said
He also announced that during the new council tenure, they are going to conduct a workforce survey which he said will unlock the potential of the workers.
“We are going to launch a 360-degree stakeholder perspective survey to capture your needs, expectations, and interests to make the most of growth opportunities and unlock the potential of the workforce,” the new president said
Senior Counsel, Francis Gimara the appointed Commissioner of Oaths for the HRMAU Governing Council Swearing ceremony congratulates all the new cabinet of HRMAU Governing Council 2022-2024.
The President of HRMAU Governing Council Ronald K Bbbosa swore in the above picture.
The Guest f Honour, Fabian Kasi CEO, Centenary Bank congratulated the incoming council highlighting the importance of human resource managers. “Work has become very unpredictable making managing Human resources become important. I know how important human resources and leaders are. I want to congratulate the incoming leaders” he said
Hon. Rwabushaija Margaret Namubiru the Worker’s representative in parliament said there is a need to revise the human resource act like the recent revision of the employment act which she said will go a long way in guiding the human resource managers.
The Humana Resource Manager UEDCL Boniface Barongo, in the same spirit, welcomed the new members while appreciating the outgoing council. He thanked them, particularly on working on the Human Resource Bill and networking members of HRMAU.
Recently The new Vice President HRMAU Shamim Walusimbi pictured above, advised job seekers during an interaction between employers and job seekers to seek an understanding of employing companies’ vision and values in their research.
"Research about the companies. Most of the time, they want to know if you understand their vision and values. If it's a client facing job, look at the partners they have” she said
The members of the new Governing Council include the following:
Ronald Bbosa-President, Shamin Walusimbi-Vice President, Doreen Asassira -Secretary General, Moreen Nakimuli-Director Public Relations and Marketing John Barasa-Director Finance among others.
HRMAU is an umbrella organization for Human Resource practitioners where thousands of professionals come together to advance knowledge, share opportunities & provide guidance in ways that transform the HR Practice in Uganda.
Membership ranges from Associate, Professional, Corporate, and Honorary among others.