How to Make Embroidered Shirts

How to Make Embroidered Shirts

Embroidery adds a touch of elegance and personalization to shirts, transforming ordinary garments into unique pieces of art. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a small business owner, creating embroidered shirts involves a series of steps that ensure precision and quality. As we provide custom t shirt embroidery in Dallas so in this article we haved outlined the essential steps to make embroidered shirts, from selecting the design to finishing the garment.

Step 1: Select the Design

Choosing a Design

  • Pre-Made Designs: Start with pre-made designs if you’re new to embroidery. These can be found online or through embroidery software.
  • Custom Designs: For a personalized touch, create your own designs using graphic design software. Ensure the design is suitable for embroidery, with clear lines and minimal intricate details.

Digitalizing the Design

  • Embroidery Software: Use embroidery software to digitize your design. This process converts the image into a format that embroidery machines can read. Popular software options include Wilcom, Hatch, and Brother’s PE-Design.
  • Setting Parameters: Adjust stitch types, density, and direction. Consider the fabric type and ensure the design will look good once stitched.

Step 2: Choose the Right Materials

Fabric Selection

  • Shirt Fabric: Choose a high-quality fabric that holds up well to embroidery. Common choices include cotton, polyester, or cotton blends. Ensure the fabric is not too stretchy, as this can distort the embroidery.
  • Stabilizers: Select appropriate stabilizers based on the fabric and design complexity. Stabilizers provide support during embroidery to prevent puckering and distortion.

Threads and Needles

  • Embroidery Threads: Use high-quality embroidery threads that complement your design. Polyester and rayon threads are popular for their durability and sheen.
  • Needles: Choose needles specifically designed for embroidery. Ensure the needle size matches the fabric and thread type.

Step 3: Prepare the Shirt

Marking the Placement

  • Positioning: Mark the placement of the design on the shirt using tailor’s chalk or a washable marker. Use a ruler or template to ensure accuracy.
  • Hooping: Secure the shirt in an embroidery hoop. Keep the cloth tight without stretching it. Proper hooping is crucial for accurate stitching.

Applying the Stabilizer

  • Cut Stabilizer: Cut a piece of stabilizer slightly larger than the hoop. Lay it on the fabric's reverse side.
  • Temporary Adhesive: Use a temporary adhesive spray to keep the stabilizer in place, or hoop the stabilizer along with the fabric for added security.

Step 4: Embroider the Shirt

Machine Setup

  • Thread the Machine: Thread the embroidery machine with the appropriate thread color for your design.
  • Load the Design: Load the digitized design into the machine using a USB drive or direct connection.

Embroidery Process

  • Test Stitch: Run a test stitch on a scrap piece of fabric to ensure the design looks as expected and adjust any settings if necessary.
  • Start Embroidering: Begin the embroidery process. Monitor the machine closely to catch any issues early, such as thread breaks or fabric shifts.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Removing the Hoop

  • Careful Removal: Once the embroidery is complete, carefully remove the shirt from the hoop to avoid stretching or distorting the fabric.
  • Trimming Threads: Trim any excess threads on both the front and back of the design.

Removing the Stabilizer

  • Tear-Away Stabilizer: Gently tear away the excess stabilizer from the back of the fabric.
  • Cut-Away Stabilizer: Trim the stabilizer close to the stitches without cutting the fabric or embroidery threads.

Pressing the Shirt

  • Ironing: Press the shirt with an iron to smooth out any wrinkles and set the stitches. Preserve the needlework by pressing it with a cloth.


Making embroidered shirts involves careful planning and attention to detail at each step. From selecting the design and materials to preparing the fabric and executing the embroidery, every phase is crucial to achieving a high-quality finished product. With practice and precision, you can create beautifully embroidered shirts that stand out for their craftsmanship and personalized touch. Whether for personal use, gifts, or a small business, embroidered shirts offer a timeless and stylish option in the world of fashion.