Understanding Late-Term Abortion Care for Fetal Anomalies

Understanding Late-Term Abortion Care for Fetal Anomalies
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This audio discusses the sensitive and complex issue of late-term abortion due to fetal anomalies. It explains that the Orlando Women's Centers provide specialized care for patients who have received devastating news about severe or lethal fetal abnormalities. The Centers acknowledge the immense grief and anguish these families experience, and they aim to support patients through the entire termination process with compassion and understanding.

The audio outlines the medical criteria for late-term abortion at the Centers, covering conditions like neural tube defects, cardiac issues, chromosomal abnormalities, and more. It emphasizes that the decision to end a pregnancy is a highly personal one that should be made between the patient and their physician. The Centers offer a range of services, including inducing labor, fetal demise procedures, and options for creating mementos. Overall, this audio aims to provide empathetic and comprehensive information for those facing this tragic situation.

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