Moving with Movers in Dubai - the right choice

Every day, we process hundreds of orders, including transportation in Dubai, where the palm of primacy is rightfully occupied by the services of the Best movers in Dubai, together with a Moving light-duty truck.

Moving with Movers in Dubai - the right choice

Ordering movers with a Moving truck in Dubai can be called a "people's" service without exaggeration. Every day, we process hundreds of orders, including transportation in Dubai, where the palm of primacy is rightfully occupied by the services of the Best movers in Dubai, together with a Moving light-duty truck. The reason for its popularity is quite banal and simple: if you characterize it in a few words, it is fast and inexpensive. Fast and efficient, since waiting is a little longer than waiting for a passenger taxi. Cheap and accessible since, on average, the "union" of movers and a Moving will cost you only about 2 thousand rubles for two hours of work.

The Perfect Movers UAE company regularly updates its fleet of trucks, and the Moving trucks are no exception, represented by a full line of various body modifications: the popular Eurotent and industrial goods van, flatbed-open trucks, isothermal, and a refrigeration unit. Passenger and cargo transportation is also carried out by Moving Farmer with a double-row cabin, which is capable of transporting 5-6 passengers in addition to cargo.

  • The permanent staff of movers, from 2 people to dozens of teams.
  • Transportation in Dubai and anywhere in UAE.
  • A huge list of jobs performed by our Movers.

Today, in Dubai, many companies offer Mover services and cargo transportation, both together and separately. However, only a few of them, including the transport company "Perfect Movers UAE", can boast of a modern fleet of vehicles in their name and permanent super-qualified personnel. That is why we offer new "Moving" vehicles and professional Movers with extensive experience at an affordable price!

Choosing movers in Dubai – or how not to get scammed

The modern moving services market can be confidently chaotic, partly due to the lack of strict control and clear regulations. Today, thousands of companies offer movers services using tempting, previously reduced prices. Beautiful sites and ads are full of many different offers, in which the cost of movers' services fluctuates around 150-200 rubles per 1 hour of work. Without a doubt, a peculiar marketing move gives its fruits; many people bite on tempting offers, turning to the so-called "grey" offices, which, by and large, specialize in cheating their clients.

What's the catch? Let's give a small example, which is quite common. You need to transport property around Dubai, the weight and volume of which fits in a Moving vehicle. For loading and unloading, you also need 2 movers. The services of a foreman (even if only 2 people have arrived) cost 10% of the total cost of the move. The list of such tricks can be continued indefinitely.

Because "grey" companies deliberately do not announce their markups. What then is included in 1 hour of work of Movers, for which we were going to pay? You ask. You will pay for these "specialists" to arrive without starting work.

Mover services

Each mover in our team is a universal specialist. This is important because moving does not only consist of simple operations like loading and unloading, which almost any mover can handle. However, reliable packaging of fragile items, assembly and disassembly of furniture, and professional rigging require special training. We have been working for more than 20 years, and over these years, we have worked out the regulations for providing services and verified the technologies. All our specialists are trained and certified. Their qualifications are confirmed, including by the reviews of our clients. We also provide Storage in Dubai, the region, and other regions of Dubai with an invariable level of quality. We guarantee your property's safety for each order, from a small shipment to large-scale projects.

Our specialists

  • Professional movers performing all types of work.
  • Attentive to the wishes of customers.
  • Neat, in clean uniforms.
  • They are physically tough guys.
  • Punctual employees who comply with all agreements.