#MeToo Movement: Social Media Activism Against Harassment in Sexual Harassment of Women Dissertation Topics

Explore the #MeToo movement and social media activism against harassment within sexual harassment of women dissertation topics. Understand the role of digital platforms in advocacy.

One of the most important forces in the fight against sexual harassment is the #MeToo movement. Millions of people, particularly women, now feel empowered to speak out about their experiences and demand change thanks to #MeToo and social media. The #MeToo movement has had a revolutionary effect on social media, as this dissertation explores. 

This guest post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of sexual harassment by analyzing the impact of social media on public discourse and societal perceptions of the problem, in addition to addressing the challenges and criticisms of the movement.

The #MeToo movement: 

The first creator of the hashtag "Me Too" was Tarana Burke, a victim of sexual harassment, in 2006. Burke wanted to help black women and girls recover from their traumas by raising awareness of the degree of sexual harassment that they endure. The hashtag “Me Too” didn’t become popular until 2017 when Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood film producer, was at the center of accusations of sexual assault. 

The actor Alyssa Milano, who was sexually abused by Weinstein, urged people to use the hashtag #MeToo on Twitter to highlight the widespread prevalence of sexual assault against women. Millions of people used the hashtag "Me Too" in the social media campaign that ensued. #MeToo has become so famous that it is included in sexual harassment of women dissertation topics on the internet.

The #MeToo campaign gave women a voice and a platform to discuss their individual experiences of sexual assault to empower women through unity. As a result, the #MeToo campaign created much-needed worldwide media coverage on sexual assault, which in turn served as a wake-up call at all societal levels.

The #MeToo Movement's impacts

Though it's a relatively new phenomenon, dozens of activist hashtags have become popular on social media in the last few years. While some of these are successful and materialize, most of them fade away rapidly and are lost to history. Since 2010, a plethora of feminist hashtag initiatives, such as #YesAllWomen, #WhyIStayed, #YouOkSis, #ItsNotOk, #ToTheGirls, and several more, have gained popularity and quickly fizzled out. But #MeToo swiftly gained popularity, is still relevant on social media, and is beginning to spread offline as well as online.

(O'Neil, A., Sojo, V., Fileborn, B., Scovelle, A.J. and Milner, A., 2018.)

Even if perspectives and reactions to #MeToo and social media activity vary, the movement is still growing. Many corporations and governments are changing their policies regarding sexual harassment allegations going forward, survivors of sexual harassment are coming forward and taking action to bring about change, and several powerful men, including politicians, celebrities, and prominent executives, have faced backlash from allegations of sexual harassment. Moreover, with Dissertation Help in UK, UK dissertation writers may now investigate legislative changes, victim experiences, and strong figure reactions as a result of the #MeToo movement.

Role of Social Media in #MeToo Movement

With the advancement of technology, social media has played a pivotal part in the #MeToo movement, here let’s have a look:

Amplifying Voices: By giving survivors a strong platform to share their experiences and stories, social media platforms have helped to shatter the taboo around sexual harassment and give survivors a voice.

Encouraging Collective Action: The #MeToo movement has gained momentum thanks to social media's viral nature, which has encouraged survivors and sympathizers to take action together as a community.

Raising Awareness: The public's understanding of the prevalence of sexual harassment and the need for systemic change has increased as a result of the extensive exposure of individual testimony and conversations on social media.

Encouraging Accountability: Because social media disclosures are public, there is more pressure on institutions and offenders to be accountable, which means that sexual harassment will have more consequences.

Enabling Grassroots Mobilization: The organizing of demonstrations, campaigns, and other types of activism to demand justice and reform has been made possible by social media.


Taking on Dominant Narratives: With the democratization of media brought about by social media, marginalized voices now have more clout to take on dominant narratives and provide alternate viewpoints about sexual harassment.

Critics of #MeToo Movement

While every pros has its cons, let’s get to know some critics of this movement as well:

Due Process Issues and the Presumption of Guilt

A fundamental critique of the #MeToo movement is on the matter of due process and the possibility of unfounded allegations. Rather than supporting the ideas of due process and the presumption of innocence, there have been concerns expressed that the movement has occasionally contributed to the assumption of guilt. This has given rise to demands for a more impartial strategy that upholds justice and defends the rights of both accusers and accused parties.

Inequitable Implementation in Different Sectors and Social Levels

The movement's ideals are not consistently applied in all sectors of the economy and social classes, which presents another difficulty. The focus of the #MeToo movement, according to critics, has frequently been on prominent offenders, with less emphasis being placed on the experiences of marginalized people, such as low-wage workers or those in less visible professions.

Oversimplification of Difficult Problems

The #MeToo movement, according to others, has the tendency to oversimplify difficult subjects by ignoring subtle power dynamics, cultural variances, and the nuances of interpersonal relationships. The movement's dichotomous portrayal of offenders and victims can occasionally ignore the nuanced aspects of actual circumstances.

Reactions and the Sense of Being Vengeful

Moreover, the #MeToo movement has encountered opposition from those who view it as an excessive or even retaliatory campaign, raising doubts about the movement's capacity to sustain its pace and carry on bringing about significant change.


In conclusion, the #MeToo movement has shown the effectiveness of social media as an activist tool by giving victims of sexual harassment a forum to tell their tales and call for reform. It has caused legislation reforms, altered cultural views, and greatly affected public understanding. The digital gap, long-term momentum maintenance, and online abuse are some of the obstacles the movement must overcome. To keep social media activism successful in the fight against sexual harassment, these issues must be resolved.