Meghan Markle's 'Suits' co-star Wendell Pierce says she and husband Prince Harry 'look very much in love

Meghan Markle's 'Suits' co-star Wendell Pierce says she and husband Prince Harry 'look very much in love

In a recent interview, Meghan Markle's former "Suits" co-star Wendell Pierce shared his thoughts on the relationship between the Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry. The actor spoke highly of the couple, stating that they "look very much in love." This comes as no surprise, as Meghan and Harry have been known to display their affection for each other in public and through their various charitable endeavors.

Wendell Pierce's Comments on Meghan and Harry's Relationship

Pierce, who played Meghan's on-screen father in the hit TV series "Suits," has remained close to the Duchess since her departure from the show. In a recent interview, he was asked about his thoughts on Meghan's marriage to Prince Harry. Pierce responded by saying, "They look very much in love, and it's clear that they have a strong bond." This is not the first time that Pierce has publicly shown his support for Meghan, as he has previously defended her against negative press and criticism.

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Meghan and Harry's Public Displays of Affection

Since their engagement in 2017, Meghan and Harry have not been shy about showing their love for each other. From holding hands at official events to stealing a kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, the couple has consistently displayed their affection in front of the world. This openness and public display of love have endeared them to many fans, who see them as a modern and relatable royal couple.

What makes Meghan and Harry's relationship unique?

One of the things that set Meghan and Harry apart from other royal couples is their willingness to break tradition and be more open with the public. They have used their platform to advocate for important causes such as mental health awareness and gender equality, showing that they are not afraid to use their influence for good. This authenticity and genuine passion for making a difference have resonated with people around the world, earning them a loyal following of supporters.

How does Wendell Pierce's praise impact public perception?

As a close friend and former colleague of Meghan Markle, Wendell Pierce's positive comments about her relationship with Prince Harry carry weight. His support adds credibility to the couple's love story and reinforces the idea that they are truly happy together. In a world where celebrity relationships are constantly scrutinized and criticized, Pierce's endorsement serves as a reminder that Meghan and Harry's love is genuine and worth celebrating.


In conclusion, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry continue to captivate the public with their love story and commitment to making a difference in the world. Wendell Pierce's recent praise only adds to the positive perception of the couple and highlights the strength of their bond. As Meghan and Harry navigate life as newlyweds and parents, it is clear that they have the support of not only their fans but also those who know them personally. With their unwavering dedication to each other and their shared values, Meghan and Harry's relationship is sure to stand the test of time.