Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mesquite, TX

Dental implants become part of your dental anatomy, and can last a lifetime with proper care. They preserve your jawbone and prevent bone loss, and they restore full chewing function, enhancing your confidence and quality of life.

Full Mouth Dental Implants in Mesquite, TX

Dental implants become part of your dental anatomy, and can last a lifetime with proper care. They preserve your jawbone and prevent bone loss, and they restore full chewing function, enhancing your confidence and quality of life.

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth, with a high success rate and an enhanced smile. Our dentists offer various restorative treatments that fit your needs, including:


During the All-on-4 procedure, we place four full mouth dental implants Mesquite TX in strategic locations where there’s substantial bone density. This allows us to replace an entire arch of teeth with a fixed denture, and it can also save you from having to undergo bone grafting.

The process is a lot quicker than getting individual implants and caps. It’s also less invasive. This means that you can get back to your daily routine more quickly.

You can brush and floss your new teeth just as you would your natural ones, and you won’t have to be careful about what you eat. You’ll also enjoy the benefits of a full smile, including enhanced self-esteem and confidence.

You’ll also find it easier to speak, as you won’t have to worry about your implants rubbing together. It’s important to see your dentist regularly for exams and cleanings, so you can keep your dental implants healthy. This will help prevent infection and promote bone health.


Replacing missing teeth as soon as possible is vital to your oral health and preserving the rest of your natural smile. Full mouth dental implants Mesquite TX are a state-of-the-art tooth replacement option that look and function just like your natural teeth. They also prevent bone loss and protect the surrounding healthy teeth by acting as a placeholder.

With the Teeth-in-a-Day® procedure, our dentist in Mesquite TX can replace both your upper and lower arches of teeth with permanent replacements that will eliminate the need for dentures. This revolutionary treatment allows for collaboration between the restorative doctor and surgeon, which results in increased safety and a more precise implant placement. It also minimizes postoperative discomfort, swelling, and bruising.

During the initial evaluation, our team will take X-rays and digital scans of your jaws and mouth to determine if you are a candidate for this life-changing procedure. Using these images, our implant specialist will fabricate a surgical guide to ensure accurate positioning of your new implants.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the fastest and most affordable cosmetic dental treatments available. This treatment uses a safe bleaching agent to lift surface stains, leaving your smile up to eight shades brighter. The results can last for a few months or longer, depending on your lifestyle habits and oral hygiene regimen. Touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain your new smile.

Dental implants are lifelike restorations for missing teeth that look, feel, and function like natural tooth roots. They also stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss, and they don’t require adjacent teeth for support like bridges or dentures.

Unlike traditional braces, FastBraces straightens the root and crown of each tooth simultaneously, cutting months off your treatment time. Contact our practice to see if this revolutionary orthodontic solution is right for you.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a beautiful and permanent way to address issues like teeth discoloration, chips, cracked enamel, gaps, or misshapen teeth. They are custom-made to fit on the front surfaces of your teeth and provide a beautiful smile. They also resemble your natural tooth color and reflect light in the same way. Your dentist will use an impression of your teeth to create a mold of your mouth for the creation of your veneers.

Veneers are made in a first-class dental laboratory, and they can last for up to 10 years with proper care. However, you will need to continue regular oral hygiene visits to maintain them.

Veneers are considered cosmetic, and they’re not covered by insurance. They are a great alternative to dental bonding, which is not as strong and tends to stain quickly. They are also more expensive. Your dentist will test the veneers to ensure they’re perfectly fitted before applying them to your teeth.