A New Book “Enshuro: Life of a Christian University Student” Launched To Provide Faith-Based Approaches to Students.

A New Book “Enshuro: Life of a Christian University Student” Launched To Provide Faith-Based Approaches to Students.
During the launch of

“Enshuro: Life of a Christian University Student” is a book launched on 1st September 2024, to address various issues concerning how students at university and those joining it can transition, adopt and maintain hope among other provisions while pursuing their studies at the university level of education.  

The Author of the Book is Mr. JohnMark Kabango, an old boy from Ntare School in Mbarara, A lawyer by profession, A born-again Christian, and above all a youth.

 While launching the book at Kingdom Kampala, The Author of “Enshuro: Life of a Christian University Student” Mr John Mark Kabango highlighted the importance of guiding university students with morality and faith-based approaches that can maintain the students focused on what they have been called for while keeping in mind that there is someone b their side who is Jesus Christ to support them whenever in need of spiritual guidance and hope in life.

The Enshuro Book by JohnMark Kabango

Mr. JohnMark said that he wrote the book based on biblical scriptures to address university students’ challenges which said to have solutions through knowing their call in life while fulfilling God’s will. 

“Wrote the book to speak to university students, to tell you what you have been called. The challenges of this world have been caused by our failure to adhere to the messages of Jesus Christ. We shall give accountability, when I leave university, this is one of my accountabilities. I put pen to paper and wrote down a faith-based context on how a Christian University student can maneuver through challenging university life while choosing faith over fear, Responsibility and Morality over misuse of freewill” he said

The Guest of Honor, at the Book Launch Hon. Michael Timuzigu, MP for Kajara Constituency, applauded the author for highlighting the role of Jesus Christ, by asking the rhetorical question of always asking ourselves what Jesus would do if placed in our positions. He added that this has guided him, to fight corruption as a member of parliament for his constituency.

Ambassador Kevin Obama, highlighted that “dignity, mutual respect, forgiveness, and empathy are the pillars in resolving international conflicts”

JohnMark (2nd R) with guests at the launch 

Ms. Jane Patricia Bako, a Lecturer and Lawyer, highlighted that the book will go a long way in guiding students through university with God in their hearts.

“Enshuro: Life of a Christian University Student, is rich in wisdom on how a university Christian students can maneuver through school with faith in God” she said

Meanwhile, Rev. Jocus Kangume Mbagaya, Deputy Head Master Ntare school, highlighted that Christian students have the duty to represent God while at university by maintaining everything they are doing under God's observation.

“Christian students have a crowd of witnesses who watch. They should be true representatives of Christ wherever they are both in public and in the closet” he said

Peter A. Karabenda one of the participants at the launch said that “am glad to have been part of the Launch, for the book Enshuro authored by my brother. Congratulations on this masterpiece and for your contribution to Christian literature particularly in bridging the gap for a Christian University Student"

JohnMark (2ndL) with Ntare School Old Boys at the launch

While appearing at the Holy Drive Show at the national Broadcaster -UBC, Mr. John Mark Kabango said that he targeted the university Christian students because the university is a place where various students from different backgrounds, ideologies, among others,  transitioning from a different set up while at college. 

He said that, its at this level where they tilt away from what they are called for, and therefore need such guidance to adapt to the new setting.

“University has many people from all sorts of different ideologies, and background. At the time of joining the university, they are transitioning into university, from the college setting. As they join, they come from strict environments into a different setting. When they transition from old to new setting, they need to know that they are not alone. They have Jesus to guide them to stay hopeful in the face of uncertainty, and to adapt” he said

JohnMark Kabango is a qualified Lawyer having graduated from Uganda Christian University, while at the University, he was the Chairperson of the Christian Scripture Union, He was born again on 4th May 2020. He is a 3rd Generation member of the Christian Revival Movement from Western Uganda. He practices law with M/S Ntambirweki Kandeebe & Co. Advocates based at Communication House in Kampala. He comes from Kazo District Western Uganda.