Tips to increase the number of Facebook reviews

Look forward to seeing your Facebook ratings skyrocket soon. Below you will learn about tried and tested strategies that your competitors have not yet discovered.

Tips to increase the number of Facebook reviews

Look forward to seeing your Facebook ratings skyrocket soon. Below you will learn about tried and tested strategies that your competitors have not yet discovered.

From simply asking your customers to write a review to using buttons and various marketing strategies, we cover everything you need to know to start getting more reviews on Facebook today.

Buy Facebook reviews

The most proven and efficient of all methods is to buy Facebook reviews directly. When you buy Facebook reviews, you are not only always one step ahead of your competition. You have also opportunity to buy facebook likes along with reviews at SmmStore and get boost your page and profile.

What's more, it's the quickest and easiest way to increase your Facebook reviews and welcome more customers than you can imagine. Buying will get you as a business at the top of search bars.

More customers will decide to purchase your products and/or services from you. As an experienced provider, we at Media Mister offer advantages such as 100% authentic accounts that carry out the reviews. In addition, as a customer you will receive a high retention rate, a secure payment system and even a full money-back guarantee.

Enable reviews on the Facebook page

Before you can collect reviews on Facebook, you must first activate this feature. Activating the review function allows your company to share your customers' experiences publicly and make them accessible to others. This way, your customers become representatives of your business.

If for some reason your feature is not enabled, go to "Edit Page" and go to the "Reviews" section. Once enabled, all of your customers will now have the opportunity to leave a review about their experience with you.

Request reviews directly from customers

One of the oldest but also most proven methods is to ask for reviews directly. Basically, your customers' satisfaction should be your top priority. Customers also appreciate it when their feedback is seen as important.

If satisfaction is given, it is a good idea to politely ask for a Facebook review so that other customers can also benefit from your service or product.

The best time is when you close the deal with the customer. Experience shows that the majority of customers will never be afraid to share the reviews on Facebook, which will help you get more Facebook reviews.

Invite customers to rate via email

Depending on your business model, inviting customers to submit a review via email is a new-fangled way to get more Facebook reviews. If you have your customers' email address, consider sending a post-service survey via email at the end of your sales process.

To do this, create a standard text that politely asks for your customers' opinion. If your customers receive this email and were also satisfied with your service, this will positively increase the number of your Facebook reviews in the long term.

Add the “Leave us a review” button

Leaving a button is probably one of the most common and yet most efficient ways to get more Facebook reviews. Business owners can easily add these to their Facebook page.

Now, when potential customers or returning customers come to your site, this button is the first thing they see. This makes it clear that you are interested in your customers' opinions, but also asks them to leave a review.

Use Facebook Check-Ins

A Facebook Check-In is an automatic reminder that is sent to every visitor on Facebook. They are then asked to leave a review on your Facebook page one day after their visit.

What is essential to get more check-ins are occasional reminders and an appropriate reward to get more check-ins. The reward can be in the form of discounts or some kind of loyalty bonus. Be creative and you will soon get more Facebook reviews.

Create a Facebook post asking for reviews

Some customers will be happy to help you get more Facebook reviews without being asked. Others, however, need a little reminder now and then. As the owner of a Facebook page, you already post regularly anyway.

To get even more Facebook reviews, make regular posts in which you kindly ask your customers and visitors to leave a review for your company. By constantly repeating posts that your visitors see, you show yourself to be trustworthy and interested in your customers' opinions.

Respond to all reviews

Facebook's algorithm rewards engagement and effort. An easier way to show this is to respond to each review your customers leave. Your customers will know that you value their opinion. The response to the review doesn't have to be exorbitantly long. A short thank you for the positive feedback is enough.

The same applies to negative reviews. What matters is how you deal with them in this case. Thank them for their honest feedback and also ask for constructive criticism to make the next visit more positive for the customer. Your approach will be perceived as appreciative and respectful.

Add CTA as a button

Calls to Action, or CTAs for short, are a must to get more Facebook reviews. These are prompts that are integrated at certain stages of your sales process to encourage customers to leave a review.

Ideally, you should place them at the point of sale, i.e. while you are delivering your product or service, as well as after the sales process. This lets customers know that their opinion is important to you. It also constantly reminds them to take a moment to share your opinion on Facebook.

Promote your page on other social media platforms

Facebook is certainly not the only place where you as an owner do marketing. Most people, and probably you too, diversify through other social media channels.

Use Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn and ask your customers for reviews in posts and stories. This way you can reach a wider range of users at different times. Twitter(X) is also big platform for content exposure. Buy twitter followers and represent your product in front of loyal customer.

Organize competitions and prize draws

Everyone loves the chance to win something with, ideally, as little effort as possible. As a business owner, organize a competition or hold a raffle. The conditions for participation can vary, but must include the submission of a Facebook review on your page.

Inform your followers about the raffle through a post, ideally again on various platforms to reach more users. This is guaranteed to get you more followers on Facebook.

Enable notifications for new reviews

You can activate various functions in the Facebook settings, including the notification function. You will then always be informed when a user has left a new review.

This is practical for you as an entrepreneur, as you can then respond to reviews more quickly and come closer to your goal of receiving more Facebook reviews in the long term and in a measurable way.

Embed reviews on your website

As a business owner, you always have to make things easy for the customer. This can apply to buying your product, taking part in a competition or even leaving a review on Facebook.

You can use Facebook to make all your reviews visible to new customers who visit your page. This increases the likelihood that visitors will feel encouraged to share their opinion with others on the platform.

Add a Facebook review widget

A widget is another efficient way to get more Facebook reviews. This widget can be placed on your Facebook page itself or on your company's regular website.

This will encourage your visitors, both subconsciously and consciously, to leave a review on Facebook. At the same time, you make the process easy, as only one click is needed to get to your page.


All of the strategies we've discussed will lead to long-term success. The most important part, however, is implementation and the constant commitment that goes with it. The bottom line is that it's up to you: as an entrepreneur, you have to actively seek reviews, whether by buying Facebook reviews, actively asking for them, or adding widgets.

Consistency always beats perfection. Follow these strategies over time and you will soon not only get more Facebook reviews, but also a better reputation for your business and more customers who will trust the opinions of your past customers.