Complete Hemogram Test: Understanding Its Importance For Your Health

Health checkups at Mahajan Imaging & Labs are not made cumbersome exercises. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and competent healthcare professionals, one is assured that the tests shall be conducted with precision and care. More than anything, all possible effort is made to make it as comfortable and trouble-free as possible. After all, maintaining one's health does not have to be a scary proposition.

Complete Hemogram Test: Understanding Its Importance For Your Health

Living in a hectic world, it's so common to lose track of one's health in the daily hustle and bustle. Yet, so contrary to this fact lies the fact that routine check-ups do indeed bear much significance for keeping early risks at bay. These tests act like basic stepping stones in these check-ups, and one such test with high prevalence is the Complete Hemogram Test. The complete blood test at Mahajan Imaging & Labs is something we just can't do without as it gives you clues about a person's general health.

What is a Complete Hemogram Test?

A complete hemogram test, in general, is the complete blood count, which is a diagnostic test in practice for evaluating various components present in your blood, including RBCs, WBCs, platelets, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit, and many other such components. This test helps an individual evaluate the general health of the body, recognize various disorders, and follow up on different medical conditions.

The results of a Complete Hemogram Test are very daunting to understand because there are a lot of varied parameters which this particular test checks for, but with modern diagnostic tools like those at Mahajan Imaging & Labs, timely diagnosis and proper treatment are best decided upon based on the correct interpretation of these results by the health professional.

Components of a Complete Hemogram Test

Now, let's outline the components of a Complete Hemogram Test:

Red Blood Cells or RBCs:

RBCs transport or carry oxygen throughout your body. The count of these cells and also other measurements of the blood sample may provide immense and very specific details regarding respiratory and cardiovascular health. Low counts may indicate anemia because of nutritional grounds or chronic diseases or any other underlying causes.

White Blood Cells (WBCs):

WBCs represent the first line of defense mechanisms that are put into play by the immune system during invasion caused by infections and foreign invaders. A complete hemogram test estimates the total count of WBCs and the differential count for various varieties of WBCs, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Increased or decreased counts of WBCs may indicate infections, inflammatory disorders, or malfunction of the immune system.


Platelets are small, circulating blood cells that form clots to stop bleeding. Centrifuge count of platelets is a very good indication of the potential of your blood to form clots. Very low counts of platelets are usually associated with excessive bleeding, where persons may report increased and frequent episodes of bleeding from their gums or even in their stools, while high counts are associated with problems of clotting. Routine check-up, therefore, ensures these potential problems are timely identified.

Mean Corpuscular Volume and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin:

The values of MCV and MCH give information about the size and the content of the hemoglobin in a red blood cell. A number of types of anemias and several other blood disorders cannot be diagnosed based on the values of MCV and MCH. Hemoglobin represents the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood, and hematocrit is the proportion of red blood cells to the blood. These both help predict capacity and volume for carrying oxygen.

All the above parameters yield as essential components of the jigsaw puzzle that makes health practitioners take balanced decisions regarding your health.

Why Is the Complete Hemogram Test Important?

The bottom line is, there is no over-emphasizing how necessary it is to have periodic health check-ups, and one of such is the Complete Hemogram Test. A blood test is not all about blood, rather, it is actually having your general body condition checked. A number of reasons make this test very important to carry out. A few are discussed subsequently:

Early Disease Detection:

Changes in the count of the blood cells will easily diagnose many conditions well in advance, such as infections, blood disorders, immune system malfunction, and malignancies like leukemia. The complete hemogram test shall permit the health professional to diagnose such conditions when they are still at an early stage whereby treatment is easily effective.

Monitoring of Chronic Conditions:

This will be particularly important if one has some chronic condition, like anemia, autoimmune disorders, or even cancers, wherein regular follow-up with the Complete Hemogram Test will help your doctor follow the course of that condition and institute necessary changes in treatment.

General Health Assessment:

Sometimes, certain symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, body ache, and even giddiness may act as warning bells for something going wrong in your blood, like reduced hemoglobin or abnormal RBC count. A complete hemogram test will reveal the root cause of this sort of symptom whereby you will not ignore any serious health condition.

After illness or surgery, your health provider may order the Complete Hemogram Test to check whether you are recovering properly and your body is going back to normal with early treatment of complications if any.

At Mahajan Imaging & Labs, we realize the importance of early health monitoring and strongly recommend periodic health checkups which include a Complete Hemogram Test under an early diagnostic strategy set up by healthcare providers.

Routine Health Check-Up: How Mahajan Imaging & Labs Can Help

Going for a health check-up when all is perfectly alright may seem quite worthless. But that is the essence of preventive healthcare - to stay ahead, and diagnostic tests like the Complete Hemogram Test have an important role to play in doing so.

Health checkups at Mahajan Imaging & Labs are not made cumbersome exercises. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and competent healthcare professionals, one is assured that the tests shall be conducted with precision and care. More than anything, all possible effort is made to make it as comfortable and trouble-free as possible. After all, maintaining one's health does not have to be a scary proposition.

After all, a complete hemogram test always forms part of the regular health checkups in time. In fact, it becomes an indispensable prerequisite for everybody to remain fit, not only in the case when one is feeling ill. Be it the detection of a problem in due time, the management of a condition that is already there, or just a run-through to make sure all is going on as it should, these tests are enlightening and come with their set of benefits.

Conclusion: The Power of a Simple Test

In the daily hustle and bustle of life, one can easily forget periodic check-ups of health. Live proactively for your health at Mahajan Imaging & Labs. Be ahead of the game with your regular Complete Hemogram Tests for a healthy and long life. This small but powerful test will provide a host of information about the standing of your body in general and help one stay ahead of probable health issues.

So, the next time you plan your health check, get the Complete Hemogram Test done at Mahajan Imaging & Labs. We are here to help you receive good-quality diagnostic care and live your life to full potential.