What is the best resume writing service for the military?

What is the best resume writing service for the military?

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be challenging, particularly when it comes to finding a job that matches your skills and experience. One hurdle that many veterans face is creating a compelling resume that translates their military accomplishments into terms that civilian employers understand. The good news? There are specialized resume writing services designed specifically for military personnel. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the best one? This blog aims to guide you through finding the best military CV writing service to ensure your resume stands out.

Why Military Resumes Are Unique

Military resumes require a specific approach due to the unique nature of military roles and responsibilities. The terminology, hierarchy, and skills developed in the armed forces often don't directly translate to civilian job descriptions. This can be a significant barrier for veterans trying to convey their experience in a way that resonates with potential employers.

Translating Military Jargon

One of the biggest challenges is translating military jargon into civilian language. Terms like "Squad Leader" or "Reconnaissance Mission" may not mean much to a hiring manager in the corporate world. A good military CV writing service will know how to convert these terms into skills and experiences that are highly valued in civilian roles.

Highlighting Transferable Skills

Military training instills a range of transferable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. An expert resume writer will highlight these skills in a way that makes them appealing to civilian employers. Whether you were in logistics, administration, or combat, the right service will help you frame your experience appropriately.

Addressing Employment Gaps

Service members often have gaps in their employment history due to deployments and other military obligations. Professional CV writers can address these gaps in a way that doesn’t raise red flags for employers, emphasizing continuous development and training instead.

What to Look for in a Military CV Writing Service

When evaluating different resume writing services, there are several key factors to consider. Each of these elements can significantly impact the quality of the final product and, ultimately, your success in the job market.

Industry Experience

Look for a service with a track record in writing resumes for military professionals. Experience in this niche ensures that the writers understand the complexities involved in translating military experience into civilian terms.

Certified Writers

Certification from recognized professional organizations, such as the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC), is a good indicator of a writer’s qualifications. Certified writers adhere to high standards and stay updated on industry best practices.

Personalized Service

Avoid services that offer one-size-fits-all solutions. A personalized approach is crucial for creating a resume that accurately reflects your unique skills and experiences. Look for services that offer one-on-one consultations with the writer.

Top Military Resume Writing Services

Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO)

The Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) provides a range of career transition services, including resume writing. Their focus on personalized service and industry-specific expertise makes them a top choice for many veterans.

Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)

MOAA offers a premium resume critique and writing service tailored specifically for military officers. Their experienced writers understand the unique challenges faced by transitioning officers and provide valuable insights.


TopResume is a well-known name in the resume writing industry and offers specialized services for military professionals. Their certified writers are skilled at translating military jargon into civilian terms and highlighting transferable skills.

Benefits of Using a Professional Service

Saves Time

Crafting a compelling resume can be time-consuming, especially when you're trying to translate military experience into civilian terms. A professional service can save you significant time and effort.

Provides Expertise

Professional resume writers have the expertise to make your resume stand out. They know what hiring managers are looking for and can tailor your resume to meet these expectations.

Boosts Confidence

A professionally written resume can boost your confidence during the job search process. Knowing that your resume effectively showcases your skills and experience can give you the assurance you need to pursue your career goals actively.

How to Get Started

Research and Reviews

Start by researching different services and reading reviews from other veterans. Look for feedback on the quality of the resumes, the professionalism of the writers, and the overall customer experience.

Initial Consultation

Many services offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to gauge the writer’s understanding of military experience and their ability to translate it into civilian terms.

Clarify Your Goals

Before you engage a service, clarify your career goals. Knowing what type of role you're targeting will help the writer tailor your resume to meet the specific requirements of potential employers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using Military Jargon

Avoid filling your resume with military jargon that civilian employers may not understand. Work with your writer to translate these terms into language that resonates with civilian hiring managers.

Overloading with Information

While it's essential to highlight your accomplishments, avoid overloading your resume with too much information. Focus on the most relevant experiences and skills.

Ignoring Soft Skills

Don't underestimate the importance of soft skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork. These are often highly valued by civilian employers and should be prominently featured in your resume.

Real-Life Success Stories

John’s Transition to Project Management

John, a former logistics officer, struggled to find a job after leaving the military. He enlisted the help of a professional resume writing service that specialized in military transitions. Within a few weeks, he landed a project management role at a leading logistics firm.

Sarah’s Journey to Corporate Training

Sarah, a former training officer, found it challenging to translate her military experience into civilian terms. With the help of a certified resume writer, she secured a position as a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company.


Transitioning from military service to a civilian career can be daunting, but the right resume can make all the difference. By choosing the best military CV writing service, you can ensure your resume effectively showcases your skills and experiences, giving you the best chance of success in the civilian job market. Start your research today and take the first step towards a rewarding new career.