Lands Minister Nabakooba donates Ultrasound scanner to Mityana General Hospital

The Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba has handed over hand over a medical scanner to Mityana General Hospital as part of her continued support through the government of Uganda to support the Maternity section.
“I am informed that it will be critical in confirming pregnancy, date of pregnancy, and monitoring pregnancy for any complications.It will also be used in fertility screening, diagnosing and monitoring fibroids, screening for ovarian and uterine cancers,” Nabakooba said while delivering the medical equipment.
She said that the scanner can also be used in general medical care for children, elderly, men and women for acute emergency conditions like bowel obstruction, appendicitis, and gallstones. “It can help in establishing chronic medical conditions like prostate enlargement, renal failure, liver disease,” She stated .
Minister Nabakooba also handed over relief items from the Office of the Prime Minister after a hailstorm hit the areas of Banda, Kalangalo Tamu division among others. The OPM has dispatched 16,000 kgs of maize and 8,000 Kgs of beans. The items will be distributed to the neediest, most vulnerable, elderly, children, women, people living with HIV /Aids, and child-headed homes.
Mityana hospital have since 2019 been waiting for the government to procure a contractor to repair the non-functioning ultrasound machine.
The hospital which was rehabilitated in 2010 and commissioned in early 2021 also lacks a functioning X-ray machine which also broke down.
The donation ends 3 years of its operation without a functioning machine used for running crucial medical investigations, since the government one broke down according to hospital sources.
The minister and former Mityana Women Member of Parliament said that the donation is in response to a 3-year outcry by the people of Mityana to have the machine.
Mityana Medical Superintendent, Dr Timothy Sentamu said that the machine would ease their work because pregnant women and other patients in need of the service would no longer move out to private facilitates.
He described the machine as a more efficient facility in diagnosing various ailments which will quicken service delivery at the hospital.