How Commercial Solar System Installation Will Help Your Business?

How Commercial Solar System Installation Will Help Your Business?

Commercial solar panel installation is one of the significant ways to facilitate a transition from conventional thermal power to solar power. It further helps businesses reap multiple benefits like reduced utility costs, energy independence and meeting corporate social responsibilities. Learn in detail about the benefits here.

What are the Benefits of Installing Commercial Solar System?

Here are the benefits of installing commercial solar systems in industrial belts:

1) Reduced Overhead Cost

The cost of electricity is one of the important overhead costs for businesses. Often businesses incur high costs on electricity at a rate of around Rs. 12-14/unit while using thermal power. However, with solar transition and installation of solar panels, businesses can reduce their electricity bills per month. This will reduce their overhead costs thereby improving the financial condition of businesses.

2) Energy Independence

Installation of solar systems in industrial belts ensures energy for businesses. Companies can rely on solar energy and facilitate a transition from conventional thermal power and fossil fuel-driven energy sources.

This helps businesses reduce their dependence on non-renewable and scarce resources for power generation. This way, it will prevent depletion of these resources to a large extent. Further, it helps businesses conserve energy for the future contributing to sustainability.

3) Enhances Brand Image

A transition of businesses to solar power enhances the brand image among stakeholders like employees, customers and investors. The growing concern over environmental sustainability has resulted in stakeholders’ inclination towards renewable energy resources. As a result, a solar transition can help businesses improve the brand image among stakeholders.

An improved brand image and reputation further increases the business prospect and scope for companies in various industries like tea, jute and others. For example, if you have a reputed tea brand, you can get solar solutions for the tea factory. It will improve the acceptability of your brand among customers.

4) Improves Cash Flow

Businesses can improve their cash flow with solar panel installation significantly. Solar system installation helps businesses reduce their monthly electricity bills. On-grid solar systems allow businesses to export and import electricity to the grid ensuring a bill generation on the net export units. This reduces the electricity bill per month for companies.

As the bill amount reduces, businesses can reap the benefits of higher cash in hand. Thus the cash flow for businesses increases with solar installation in industrial belts.

5) High Reliability and Low Maintenance

Solar panels need minimal maintenance over their lifespan of 25 to 30 years. Thus businesses can generate electricity at nominal prices with negligible maintenance costs. The highly reliable solar systems thus help businesses focus on other operational work thereby improving business functions.

Further, these solar panels usually do not require replacement until they are damaged due to extreme weather conditions.

6) Sustainable Environmental Impact and CSR

Solar energy is a renewable source of clean and green energy. As a result, solar installation reduces carbon emissions and footprint in the surrounding environment. Businesses can reduce emissions from their operational and manufacturing activities with solar installation. Solar systems in jute mills for instance can help the industry reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse emissions, positively helping the environment go greener.

In addition, corporate social responsibility (CSR) of businesses is an essential agenda for a sustainable environment. Solar installation helps businesses contribute to environmental and social sustainability, thereby helping them meet their corporate social responsibilities.

7) High Return on Investments

Businesses can reap the benefits of a high return on investment with solar panel installation. As the electricity bill per month reduces for companies, businesses can recover the money invested in solar system installation within 3 to 5 years.

The return on investment in solar systems is considerably high compared to other financial instruments. The ROI is around 20-25% per annum till the lifetime of solar panels. Thus, companies can re-invest the returns in their business to grow and expand it. It additionally increases the scope for profitability for companies installing solar systems in the industrial belts.

8) Protection Against Power Outages

Installing an off-grid solar system can help businesses store energy for use during non-solar hours and power outages. Off-grid solar systems include solar batteries that store and supply energy during power outages.

Even if the grid fails to function, businesses can ensure continued energy supply with the installed solar system. For instance, a solar system in rice mills can use solar energy to power machinery and equipment during power outages.

Commercial solar system installation helps businesses in the tea plantations, jute industry and other industries in multiple ways. Businesses can reap the benefits of reduced electricity bills, higher return on investments and increased cash flow in addition to other benefits. If you are a business owner, you can connect with companies like Das Energie Private Limited to consult regarding your solar installation.