East Africa Food Symposium & Expo set for 14th October 2022 at IUEA

East Africa Food Symposium & Expo set for 14th October 2022 at IUEA
The Resident Director IUEA Alwi Hassan while launching the East Africa Food symposium at the university on Wednesday

The East Africa Food Security Symposium and Expo 2022 that will be hosted by hosted by the International University of East Africa (IUEA) has been launched and set to activate from 14th to 16th October 2022.

The symposium was launched at a press briefing held at IUEA on Tuesday 7th September 2022.

During the press conference, The Minister for Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, Matia Kasaija while calling upon participants to attend the symposium urged stakeholders to strengthen collaboration between Civil society organizations and the government to end food insecurity.

“I therefore, encourage all the stakeholders to take part in the symposium that will take place at IUEA from 14th to 16th October. The Climate Change Action East Africa is going to be our official partners and, officially we will write a letter to get this into positive action - Hon. Matia Kasaija the Minister of Finance, planning and Economic development” he said

The Minister in above picture mentioned The percentage of those that consume "food for the stomach" is seemingly on the rise and this poses a high degree of risks to food insecurity - Hon Matia Kasaija

The minister whereas people have no food in some parts of the country like karamonja, government through the ministry of agriculture have come up with a plan to end hunger in Uganda starting with this season to aggregate and make sure that at any given moment no one dies from hunger.

The Resident Director IUEA, Alwi Hassan acknowledged the importance of technology in climate change and food security which he said is the reason why the University has been engaged in this incoming expo

"Why IUEA is involved in The East Africa Food Security Symposium & Expo is because we believe in using technology to solve problems and to stand in for youth through commercialization of technology by students and staff." he said

He added that the university seeks out children and our children’s children as a human right for everyone to be healthy.

The East Africa Food Security Symposium & Expo under the theme is: 'Linking Climate Change, Food Security, Nutrition and Wellbeing.'

Ronald Robert Lwabaayi, pictured above, the Team Leader Climate Change Action East Africa emphasizes that said “Even if we all planted 100 trees, it won’t be of any importance unless we have support from government to reduce the consumption of trees to produce charcoal”

Pro Emeka Akeuzuna (L) in picture below Vice Chancellor IUEA said that as the world's population is approaching 8billion, yet the land mass is shrinking, from both population growth and Climate change too, he  appealed to policymakers come together to get solutions to climate change and food security.

According to Tom Okurut in picture below, The Execuive Director CCAEA said that "as the main organizers of this Expo, our major underscore is on the East Africa Region being the most targeted when it comes disequilibration courtesy of climate change, so this Symposia comes in handy to tighten loose ends as well as sealing u" 

Mrs Hanifah Mpungu from KCCA below said that though the initiative is good but for the corporate world and the middle income world there is need to bring it down to the grassroots among local people for effective and  sustainable engagement.

"It's a pledge from KCCA that we shall support IUEA &CCAEA and all interested stakeholders as we find new ideologies and technologies to solve the issue of Climate change and Food security" she said