Dental Implants: Stability of the Dental Restoration

With dental implants Crestwood KY, you can enjoy a better appearance, increased self-confidence, improved eating and chewing abilities, clear speech and the preservation of your face’s natural shape.

Dental Implants: Stability of the Dental Restoration

Utilized in dental procedures, implants are a crucial surgical component that securely holds dental crowns, bridges or dentures in position. By mimicking the function of natural root tooth, they aid in bone growth and density in the jaw or skull area. Once installed, the implants remain concealed beneath the gum line, ensuring the stability of the dental restoration above.

The durability of dental implants Crestwood KY is remarkable, once the implant and dental prosthetic are securely in place, they will mimic the functionality of a natural tooth, bridging the gaps in your smile and granting you the freedom to eat, converse and relish life to the fullest.

What are different types of Dental Implants

There are various dental implant options available to support artificial teeth, whether it’s a single tooth or complete set of teeth, implants serve as excellent support systems for artificial teeth, allowing for the placement of one or multiple teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

For those with one or two missing teeth, individual dental implants are a great option. Each implants is carefully placed to support a new dental crown or bridge, helping to support your smile.

All-on-4 treatment concept dental implants, also known as full mouth dental implants, use four strategically placed implants to support prosthetics for multiple missing teeth or dentures. This system allows for a full smile restoration with minimal implants needed.

Endosteal Implants are the most common type of dental implants, as they are directly placed in to the jawbone.

Subperiosteal Implants are used for patients with insufficient jawbone height, as they are placed under the gum but on top of the jawbone.

Zygomatic Implants which are longer and anchored in cheekbones, are used for patients with severe bone loss.

What is the Dental Implant Procedure?

First we’ll have an initial consultationand evaluation to see if implants are the right option for you.

Then, we’ll place the implant fixture in to your jawbone and give it some time to heal and fuse with the bone.

Finally, we’ll attach the abutment and put on the final restoration, like a crown, bridge or denture to complete the implant.

Benefits of Dental Implants

With dental implants Crestwood KY, you can enjoy a better appearance, increased self-confidence, improved eating and chewing abilities, clear speech and the preservation of your face’s natural shape. Plus, they are durable and reliable in the long run.