Can You Pause the GRE at Home for Breaks? What You Need to Know

Can You Pause the GRE at Home for Breaks? What You Need to Know

Taking the GRE at home presents both conveniences and challenges. One common question among test-takers is whether they can pause the GRE for breaks during the exam. This article provides a comprehensive overview of how breaks work on the GRE taken at home and explores the guidelines set by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which administers the test.

Understanding the GRE at Home

The GRE General Test can be taken at home through the GRE at Home option, introduced to accommodate remote testing needs. This option allows you to take the exam in a familiar environment, potentially reducing stress and improving performance. However, it is crucial to understand the specific rules and procedures for breaks during the test.

Breaks During the GRE at Home

The GRE General Test is divided into several sections, and breaks are built into the test structure. Here’s a breakdown of how breaks are managed:

  1. Scheduled Breaks: The GRE includes a 10-minute break after the third section, which is typically a Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning section. This break is automatically scheduled and occurs midway through the test. You are not permitted to take breaks during the sections, except for the scheduled one.

  2. Unscheduled Breaks: If you need to take a break outside of the scheduled one due to an emergency or personal need, you can request it through the GRE test-taker support. However, this is generally discouraged as it can affect your test performance and is subject to ETS’s approval.

Procedures and Rules

  1. Break Timing: During the GRE at Home, the timing of your breaks is strictly monitored. If you take an unscheduled break, the timer will continue to count down, and you might have less time remaining for subsequent sections.

  2. Technical Issues: If you experience technical issues or face problems that necessitate a break, you should contact ETS immediately. They have specific protocols to handle such situations, but it’s essential to be aware that unscheduled breaks can sometimes complicate the process.

  3. Cheating Concerns: It is crucial to adhere to the rules and avoid any attempts to cheat or manipulate the testing environment. The GRE at Home is monitored by proctors who use advanced technology to ensure the integrity of the test. Attempting to cheat can lead to severe consequences, including invalidation of your test scores and potential banning from future tests.

How to Manage Breaks Effectively

  1. Preparation: Before the exam, familiarize yourself with the test format and rules. Understand that the break after the third section is your only guaranteed opportunity to rest. Use this time wisely to refresh yourself and prepare for the remaining sections.

  2. Plan Ahead: If you have specific needs that might require additional breaks, plan ahead and communicate with ETS well in advance. This will help you understand the options available and avoid last-minute complications.

  3. Technical Readiness: Ensure that your testing environment is set up properly to minimize the risk of technical issues. This includes having a reliable internet connection, a working computer, and a quiet environment.

Sources of Information

For further details on the GRE at Home and break policies, consider visiting the official ETS website and consulting test preparation forums and guides. These sources provide valuable insights and updates regarding the GRE testing procedures and rules.

By understanding the break policies and preparing accordingly, you can navigate the GRE at Home experience more effectively. This approach not only helps in managing your time but also ensures that you comply with the test regulations, avoiding any potential issues related to breaks.