APRM Uganda applauds outgoing focal minister as the review on Uganda set to kick off
Uganda has chosen to be reviewed on the topics: Underdevelopment of Infrastructure, Underdevelopment of Agriculture and Non-responsive civil service which forms part of the paper on the 11 Bottlenecks Facing Africa

The targeted Review Mission for Uganda from the Africa Peer Review (APRM) continental secretariat is set to visit Uganda next between 16th October 2021 to 1st November 2021 to analyze 3 of 13 bottlenecks as part of the review activities to
During a recognition ceremony for the out going focal minister Hon David Bahati organized by National Planning Authority (NPA) held at Serena Hotel on 12th October 2021, The CEO APRM Professor Eddy Maloka appreciated the work that Hon David Bahati contributed to APRM and welcomed the incoming focal Minister Hon Amos Lugolobi who doubles as Minister of state for finance, planning and economic development in charge of planning.
Porf. Eddy pictured above thanked the government of Uganda for the choice of topics that have been selected to guide the Targeted Review mission which kicks off next week in the country.
“Uganda has chosen to be reviewed on the topics: Underdevelopment of Infrastructure, Underdevelopment of Agriculture and Non-responsive civil service which forms part of the paper on the 11 Bottlenecks Facing Africa” he said
Meanwhile facilitators from the APRM Continental Secretariat are conducting a three days National and country experience sharing training workshop for member states on the APRM Continental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) System in Uganda aimed at ensuring an inclusive economic and social development.
“APRM has put in place a tool to assess performance by producing and validating a Continental Monitoring, Evaluation and reporting manual” said Prof. Eddy Maloka at the opening of the M&E training workshop in Uganda.
Hon Amos Lugolobobi the new Focal Minister APRM in his remarks applauded the work done by the outgoing focal minister David Bahati who he said set the bar higher for based on the tremendous work he performed while in office.
Hon Amos above picture pledged to deliver to the tune of the legacy left by his predecessor including steering the NPA and APRM Uganda and Secretariat to achieve the objective set.
“We are in the process of finalizing the assessment of the second Progress National Program of Action (NPOA) report for July 20219 and June 2021. A regional validation was undertaken across the country. It will be nationally be validated on 21st October 2021” he said