Dos and Don'ts of Dry Cleaning Linen and Linen Blends

Dos and Don'ts of Dry Cleaning Linen and Linen Blends


  1. Do Check the Care Label:

Always read the care label on your linen or linen blend garments before deciding on dry cleaners. Manufacturers provide specific instructions based on the fabric's properties.

  1. Do Choose a Reputable Dry Cleaner:

Select a dry cleaner experienced with linen and linen blends. They will know how to handle the fabric delicately and prevent damage.

  1. Do Inform the Cleaner About Stains:

Point out any stains to your dry cleaner. Different stains require different treatments, and your cleaner needs this information to avoid setting the stain.

  1. Do Test for Colorfastness:

If you're unsure about the colorfastness of your linen garment, test a small, inconspicuous area with a damp cloth. This helps ensure that the color won't bleed during cleaning.

  1. Do Store Properly:

After dry cleaning, store your linen garments in a cool, dry place. Use breathable garment bags to protect them from dust and moths.


  1. Don’t Ignore the Care Label:

Disregarding the care label can lead to damaging the fabric. Follow the instructions to ensure longevity and maintain the quality of your linen garments.

  1. Don’t Overload the Cleaner:

Avoid taking too many garments at once. This can lead to improper cleaning and increased risk of damage. Be patient and space out your dry cleaning trips if necessary.

  1. Don’t Skip Regular Cleaning:

Even if your linen garment looks clean, regular dry cleaning helps maintain its appearance and prevent the buildup of dirt and oils, which can weaken the fibers over time.

  1. Don’t Attempt DIY Stain Removal:

Trying to remove stains yourself can set them permanently or damage the fabric. Always consult with your dry cleaner for the best stain removal techniques.

  1. Don’t Store in Plastic Bags:

After dry cleaning, avoid storing your linen garments in the plastic bags provided by the cleaner. These can trap moisture and cause mildew or discoloration. Use breathable fabric covers instead.

Following these dos and don'ts will help you maintain the quality and longevity of your linen and linen blend garments through proper dry cleaning practices.


  1. Do Handle With Care:

Linen is a delicate fabric. When handling linen garments, especially after cleaning, be gentle to avoid wrinkles and fabric stress.

  1. Do Opt for Professional Spot Cleaning:

If your garment has only a small stain, consider professional spot cleaning rather than a full dry cleaning session. This can preserve the fabric's integrity.

  1. Do Use Padded Hangers:

When hanging your linen garments, use padded hangers to maintain the shape and prevent shoulder marks. This is especially important for heavier linen items like jackets or dresses.

  1. Do Air Out Your Garments:

Occasionally, air out your linen garments in a well-ventilated area. This helps eliminate any residual cleaning chemicals and keeps the fabric fresh.

  1. Do Inspect before cleaning:

Before taking your garments to the dry cleaners dubai, inspect them for any loose threads, buttons, or embellishments. Inform the cleaner so they can take extra care during the cleaning process.


  1. Don’t Leave Stains Untreated:

Address stains promptly. The longer a stain sits, the harder it becomes to remove. Inform your dry cleaner about any fresh stains as soon as possible.

  1. Don’t Expose to Direct Sunlight:

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause linen to fade and weaken. After cleaning, avoid hanging your linen garments where they will be exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods.

  1. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals:

Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals on linen, as they can damage the fibers and alter the fabric's color. Trust professional dry cleaners to use the appropriate cleaning agents.

  1. Don’t Forget About Ironing:

Linen tends to wrinkle easily. After dry cleaning, if your garment has wrinkles, iron it on a medium-hot setting while it is slightly damp, or use a steam iron to smooth out creases without damaging the fabric.

  1. Don’t Panic Over Wrinkles:

Wrinkles are a natural characteristic of linen. Embrace the relaxed, casual look of linen, and don’t over-iron or press it excessively, as this can damage the fibers over time.

By adhering to these additional dos and don’ts, you can further ensure that your linen and linen blend garments remain in excellent condition, preserving their natural beauty and durability for many years.