An Excellent Strategy to Ace the Duolingo Exam

As a number of universities started accepting the Duolingo English test, more and more candidates appeared in this exam. T

An Excellent Strategy to Ace the Duolingo Exam

As a number of universities started accepting the Duolingo English test, more and more candidates appeared in this exam. There are various reasons why candidates appear in the Duolingo English test. Such as it is convenient and easy as compared to another English language test.  However, success in the Duolingo English test requires an excellent preparation strategy. In this article, we will shed light on the preparation strategy that leads to success in the Duolingo exam. 

Well, if you learn under professional guidance for Duolingo exam preparation, you can IBT Institute. This coaching platform is renowned as the best Duolingo Coaching Centre

Here is the Excellent Strategy for Candidates to Ace the Duolingo English Test:

Take a General Overview of the DET

To well prepare for the Duolingo English test, you must get an overview of the exam. For that, you can rely on the internet and the official site of the exam conducting body. Apart from this, you can also watch the video on the YouTube platform regarding the exam. In this way, you will not only get a proper idea about the but also know about the important things you need to know to ace the exam. 

Take a Sample Test of DET

During the Duolingo English test preparation, you have to solve practice tests regularly. Solving sample tests is one of the best ways to prepare for the Duolingo English test. The sample test is also conducted on the official website of the exam conducting body. Solving sample tests gets you familiar with the exam structure. Moreover, it boosts your preparation level and gives you an idea about your daily progress. In addition, it boost your preparation level and also gives you an idea about the area you are lacking. So, you can spend more time on those particular areas and turn your weaknesses into strengths

Understand the Question Types 

During the Duolingo English test, you have to give proper answers to each question. However, for that first, you have to understand the question carefully. So, before appearing in the exam you must get familiar with the question types. Here is a list of the question types that you have to answer in the Duolingo English test:

  • To complete words in the given text you have to find missing letters. 

  • Choose an english letter between the real and fake English words.

  • Listen then type the sentence correctly. 

  • For speaking read aloud the given text.

  • Describe the given image properly in both the writing and speaking sections. 

  • Speak on a given topic for 1-3 minutes.

  • Write on a given topic for 1-3 minutes. 

  • You have to speak on a given prompt for 30 seconds, it can be text or audio. 

Practice Speaking Exercises

During the speaking test, you have to continually speak for 1-3 minutes on a given topic. For non-native english speakers, it is quite difficult to continually speak english and convey their thoughts in fluent english with confidence.  Even well-prepared candidates fail to perform well in the speaking section cause of nervousness and anxiety. Therefore, during the Duolingo English test preparation, you have to practice english speaking. For that, you can find a speaking partner. 

 Also, you can practice english speaking with your parents and friends. It will not only polish your english speaking skills but also boost your confidence level. If you do not find a speaking partner you can practice with yourself in front of the mirror. Apart from this, you can also record yourself while english speaking. After that, you have to analyze your recording and focus on the areas that need improvement.

Get familiar with the test day rules 

Although you can take the Duolingo English test while sitting at any location comfortably. But still, before performing the Duolingo English test you have to get familiar with the rules and regulations of the test. Such as:

  • For the exam, you should choose a quiet and distraction-free environment to perform better. 

  • You must have a photo ID for identity proof. 

  • Your background must be noise-free. 

  • You need a computer that has built-in a front-facing webcam amd microphone. 

  • In addition, your internet connection must be strong.

Well, if you are looking for the best Duolingo institute for exam preparation. Then you should join the IBT Institute. This coaching platform has expert faculty members who will provide you the excellent coaching. 

Wrapping up:

To wrap it up, Duolingo exam preparation requires work, consistent practice, and an excellent preparation strategy. So, the above-mentioned preparation strategy will surely help you to get success in the Duolingo english test.